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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2024


  • SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldCanvas is coming Back! (July 12th)
    12 days ago

    Eh, I know a bunch of people who left Lemmy just because they did this, I’m not gonna do something else, but they should also realize people don’t want a Reddit clone and this stuff will make people leave.

    People left Reddit to get away from this stuff, try being unique instead of emulating what you left. Like the tired old trope of your very “unique comment” as well…….

  • If you had a new battery that had say 500mAh of charge remaining the issue wouldn’t happen. If you had an old battery with 2000mAh of charge remaining it’s very possible the issue happens.

    Yeah… no… that’s not the case at all. A larger battery with more capacity that is aged would do the same thing as a brand new battery with the same capacity.

    They’re a function of each other and your description is now contradicting itself. Capacity is the end function, without voltage can’t have capacity… you’re claiming otherwise.

    A 500mah battery can’t provide the same over voltage as a 2,000, you’re claiming it can, come on dude lmfao. Without capacity, it can’t tap the over voltage needed, so the phone crashes and reboots, until you try the same thing. The phone effectively becomes useless after an hour since it can’t do anything demanding anymore, I never said it was dead….

    Current is a part of the calculation to get capacity…. You can’t have capacity without current (A)…… you can have current (A), but it’s useless without voltage, and voltage and current gives us… capacity!!

  • Because the capacity was diminished…. New batteries didn’t have this issues since they were… well new…and had the capacity.

    In a fully charged battery you could run demanding stuff, it’s only when the charge depleted that it became an issue, which is it couldn’t acces the capacity for the extra voltage anymore.

    Without capacity, you can’t provide the high current… they’re literally related and go hand in hand………

    Again, you’re literally explaining more or less the same thing, in a far less technical way… so sure to a laymen you’re “correct”, but that’s where it ends.

  • So they can talk about the relevant commercialization technical bits (the db) and they can’t talk about the part that’s not…? Uhh… what…?

    Is that your argument? Does that make any sense to you…? The part that should be restricted is being talked about freely… and the part that shouldn’t be restricted is…? You’re defending the system that’s backwards. And you want to call me naive and obtuse… okay, defend marketing fluff that you ate up like they were expecting….