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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023

  • Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    11 hours ago

    The call where Biden urged a ceasefire and Netanyahu completely ignored it? I think you think the US has more power in this situation than they actually do.

    Could Israel continue this war without US aid?

    The US provides about 1% of Israel’s GDP in military aid and Israel already exports weapons and ammo it doesn’t need. Who would provide American-centric weaponry is irrelevant to the question of whether the war would stop.

    To add to that, it literally doesn’t matter who steps in to aid Israel, as the aid itself is less important than the potential ally and the strategic act of robbing the US of influence in the middle east. You think Russia or China wouldn’t stoop to changing their position on a massacre to get a step up politically? Two countries currently hosting genocides of their own?

    A magic stop button doesn’t exist for the US. We’re clearly not going to agree on that so this is where our conversation ends. Goodnight.

  • Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    13 hours ago

    There’s no magic button that ends this conflict, except the one that lies on Netanyahu’s desk. Israel isn’t dependent on the US in the way that you’re trying to make it sound. If the US pulls away from Israel, it creates a vacuum that US’s adversaries are chomping at the bit to fill.

    They won’t suddenly go broke. They won’t suddenly be disarmed. They won’t suddenly decide the war isn’t worth it. They will take money and weapons from other nations who want their influence in the middle east and the only thing that will change is the US losing that influence.

    Look, I’m not saying that Biden’s hands are clean either. The US as a governmental body is complicit in this heinous war.

    What I am saying is that you are woefully naive if you think a phone call could end this. That phone call already happened. It was international news. Netanyahu laughed in Biden’s face.

  • This is incredibly disingenuous. The US might not be a true democracy, but it’s not an authoritarian regime. Xi and putin disappear people who have an opinion on whether they should be forever-rulers.

    The fact that independent parties exist and hold seats at all three levels of government mean you are fundamentally wrong in saying there are only two choices.

    The US is a flawed democracy. That’s still better than an authoritarian regime.

  • The paradox of tolerance applied to this situation suggests that in order to keep a community where choice is preserved, we need to be intolerant of bad actors with the ultimate goal of killing that choice.

    Meta absolutely is a bad actor looking to Embrace, Extend, Extinguish the fediverse.

    They’re pivoting the overwhelming userbase of Facebook/Instagram into a sort of federated Twitter alternative that their users as a whole don’t understand but do generate content for, in an attempt to steer the federation architecture into something they can control and make money off of. It’s not subtle.

    Whether it will work or is even possible for meta to do remains to be seen.

    But, yes. To answer your question, we need to “deny the choice” of federating with what amounts to a wolf in sheep’s clothing to preserve what we have, because that wolf is looking to destroy it.

    This post demonstrates that all of the major instances on lemmy but one understand this concept. If lemmy.world doesn’t want to acknowledge what meta is doing, then they’re also a bad actor in enabling meta to do it.

  • For people who consider this a sign of social status

    Ok well,

    1. Anyone who considers apple products a status symbol already has bought in and won’t be swayed one way or the other by windows becoming worse.

    2. Anyone who actually understands technology knows that regardless of how many different apps or environments apple OS’s provide, you are always operating in a closed system with the tools they allow. Whereas an operating system like android, or Linux, or (at least for now) windows, your options for the capability of a tool are limited only by what exists or what you have the capability to write.

    In short, apple isn’t an OS that technologically literate people flock to as an exclusive option.

  • In addition to the other great points in this thread, Apple has a cost barrier that other operating systems don’t.

    In an economic climate where everything is getting more expensive, a consumer isn’t going to fork out $800+ on a MacBook or an iPhone without first actively wanting to be part of the ecosystem, especially if the hardware they have gets the job done.

    The reason Apple isn’t growing as fast as it’s competitors right now is exactly that. Apple is expensive to get into. No amount of enshitification on other OS’s is going to change that.