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Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • If you want to entice a cat to come closer, don’t look at it! Direct eye contact is seen as threatening.

    Put out your hand, point your face away from the cat, and put your hand out while gently calling it over. Your success rate will be much higher!

    Also, a good cat-noise to attract them is a light trill with an upward inflection. It’s my go-to when assuring nervous/unsure cats.

  • These non-human pieces of shit can be easily put into power over the weak, naive, and vulnerable when a part of the church. It’s as simple as “volunteering” to help out with the kid’s Sunday school classes, childcare, youth group, “mentoring”, and all other kinds of jobs they so selflessly volunteer to do. No background checks needed!

    They’ll pick out the ones least likely to speak up. They’ll gain their trust. They’ll form a bond of trust. They’ll nurture the relationship. They can easily convince the party they’ve assaulted that you should be guilty for what happened… what you made them do.

    I know this, because I was a victim many many years ago.

    A church in my area recently had an uproar because the pastor’s son had been doing things to children. Thing is… it came out the pastor and his wife knew their son had a “problem” for years before… AND STILL GAVE HIM FULL ACCESS TO THE CHILDREN IN THE CHURCH!!!

    Dead serious: keep your kids out of the church. Do not trust them with your children!!

  • I see people commenting that “cats are assholes, that’s why she does this! LOL” which is absolutely sad to see. Lots of people are more understanding of dogs who may have past trauma, but think that cats are immune to that?

    I do not know the past history of this cat. You mentioned that they lived outside prior to you adopting them. Did they get pregnant when they were very young? Their “follow and yell”-technique may signify that they see you as A). a kitten straying too far from home or B). their parent/caretaker who they are scared of leaving. Possibly even both!

    In short, they are showing concern for you. This is not “asshole” behavior. If she was not affectionate with her kittens, she may see you the same way. Cats don’t need to be cuddly in order to show love. This cat seems to be showing love in the only way it may know how.

    Talk to the cat while you walk. Communicate back as it meows to you. She may just want reassurance that her one source of stability is not just going to disappear like lots of things in her scary life has.

    Thank you for trying to understand your cat.