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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • Given that the Russians have been fighting this war for 2 years now, their military is sufficiently experienced. Fighting in wars is what makes conscripts into veterans in the first place. Given that NATO troops lack any experience fighting harsh land wars, and the Ukrainians facing severe manpower issues, the Russian military is in a much better shape than its enemies. Russia also outproduces the west in artillery by many times. In simple terms, Ukraine is not going to win this war, short of a black swan event.

    If you lose 95% of your skilled veterans and all you have is green recruits your experience level goes down. Larger and greener.

    Yeah, Russia has lost of 95% of its skilled soldiers, just like how they don’t have rifles, running water, and their tanks are made of paper mache, right? Pure copium analysis. If the state of the Russian military and economy is really so shit, it is even more humiliating for the collective west that they are being massively outproduced. The US spends more on its military than the next few powers combined and still can’t beat Yemen or Russia.

  • Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.mltoWorld News@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    18 days ago

    significantly less experienced

    Lmao, what experience do western troops have? Fighting poorly equipped insurgents, women and children?

    And every day Ukraine holds out is another day that Europe gears up.

    Comedic gold. Europe is facing massive de-industrialisation with severe contractions in manufacturing output and sluggish fundamentals. Compared to all the g7 countries, russia faced the highest gdp growth in recent years.

  • Yes we have the NSA and stuff spying, but they don’t control anything.

    Most media in the US simply parrot the state department line. Not even out of a conspiracy or anything, but because the US government is very often the only “realiable” source of information for media outlets on a lot of topics. Since corporate media is lazy and tries to report on things asap, they also tend to copy each other a lot, often to hilarious results. I can’t count the number of times where have tried to dip deeper into a story looking at multiple articles only to find that most news websites are simply using the exact same wording as each other. If you look for primary sources, you will often find entire media spectacles built upon just 1 shaky primary source.

  • Ukrainian forces were being trained and armed by NATO members for 8 years after euromaidan. It is ridiculous to believe that western powers were not trying to encircle Russia.

    Even if the war was not worth the cost in lives, it is absurd to believe that Russia attacked Ukraine for shits and giggles. Or even for resources (Russia has some of the world’s largest natural resource reserves), or land (largest country in the world), or people (Ukraine had a worse demographic problem than Russia, and the war has made things worse). The only thing they can plausibly gain is access to warm water ports (they already got that with crimea in 2014), and security against NATO.

  • Jews have been living in Israel for thousands of years dating back…

    Completely and utterly irrelevant. Claims made on the basis of things that happened thousands of years ago should be given absolutely 0 weight on current decisions.

    What Zionists want is the same thing that Palestinians want and the same thing that Chinese people already have (and Japanese and Korean and many other groups have): a homeland.

    Absolutely incorrect. The Chinese people and Korean people did not fight for a homeland, they fought against colonial invaders and capitalist forces and won. The Palestinians have a similar goal. Zionists are fighting to be the colonists, believing that some land belongs to them because other people thousands of years ago vaguely connected to them lived there. Their goals are the complete opposite.

    The conflicts between Jews and other groups in Palestine (including Christians who migrated there in the Middle Ages) goes back centuries.

    No it doesn’t. It dates back to Zionist incursions and crimes in Palestine. This is not a religious conflict in way, and religious groups aren’t the primary actors in history to begin with, that would be classes, in this case, the settlers and non-settlers. Zionists have only claimed religion as a convenient cover.

    I want the violence to stop but I have no idea how that’s going to happen.

    The violence will stops when one side wins permanently. Either the Zionists succeed in ethnically cleansing the area (they will likely act aggressively against other countries in the region though) or the Palestinians succeed in having a stable secular multi-ethnic state established.

    At one time even Nazi Germany had a side in it, supporting Arabic Palestinians.

    If you want to do good hasbara, try to not associate Nazi Germany with the Palestinians. That is how you make your malicious intentions impossible to hide.

    it’s so difficult to imagine a scenario where it will stop.

    Skill issue, or I guess in this case, ideological issue.

  • Your experiences are very similar to mine (I am indian) haha. You are definitely not lying. I even remember before coming to college I had a romanticised view of the west. “If I get to Europe everything will be better for me” was the mindset I was operating on. And then when I came to Europe I had to live in practically a slumhouse for months before finding stable accommodation. Today, I leave my house at 6 am and come back at 8 or 9 pm. These past few years have seen a major cultural shift in all of the global south countries I think.