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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Well, I believe in a Creator directly because of science. We aren’t a result of chaos that just happened to line up at precisely the right time. Let’s take the rules that govern the universe. Gravity is a constant. Science proves that. It didn’t magically happen. The laws of thermodynamics. The math is always correct and it was occurring well before anyone could articulate it. Same with biology. It takes 3500 calories to change one pound of weight, so many grams of protein to maintain muscle mass. I can keep going but the point is, God said it was created and science proves its not a happy random accident. So if that points to plausibility, what other things in the Bible can be plausible, even pointing to truth?

  • Maybe you can help this make sense for me, as no one else has. We all know the government has proven to be corrupt, regardless of which party is in charge. We also know that Big Pharma is corrupt as hell too. Their goal is to keep us sick because healthy people don’t buy medicine. Now all of a sudden when they both say “Here take this shot otherwise you’ll kill grandma” we’re supposed to believe they have our best interest in mind? Like, why now? Why am I supposed to trust that what they say is safe and effective is actually that? I mean, drugs that have been used and studied for decades have been pulled of the shelf because it turns out it does more harm than good. It’s also been proven that the covid vaccine isn’t nearly as effective that they were touting.