Autistic, ADHD, and fuckin tired 😮‍💨

  • 3 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • I’m not the same person but I can definitely attribute some negative symptoms of autism in my life.

    The biggest negative symptom and limiting factor for me personally is the overstimulation. I can be perfectly comfortable in an extremely chaotic environment and then suddenly with no warning start perceiving every single tiny detail around me.

    Touch. Sound. Smell. Temperature. Air currents. THE BUZZING OF ELECTRICITY FLOWING THROUGH WIRES.

    It’s triggered several panic attacks throughout my life. 0/10 would only recommend for use as torture.

  • I keep seeing this “factoid” and I’m pretty sure it’s just bullshit.

    Cats meow to each other all the time. They can meow in frequencies humans can’t hear but they didn’t start meowing just to “manipulate” humans.

    Cats did however develop a specific type of meow that does in fact mimic the frequencies of a baby crying but it’s not the cats normal meow.

  • That’s a fair assumption from what I said though that’s not how I meant it.

    I treat everyone equally regardless of what is or isn’t between their legs. I’m generally just that helpful guy that’s always offering help to people even if they don’t outright ask for it. I just try my best to make sure everything is going smoothly for everyone around me.

    But I bet not a single woman I’ve interacted with would ever remember me helping them. They’d never remember me going out of my way to make sure they felt safe and were having as good of a time as possible. But they’ll never forget that guy that made them uncomfortable. And that’s all they’ll think about. They’ll ignore every single man they interacted with. They’ll ignore all the men that didn’t do anything to them. The men that treated them like normal human beings.

    I’m not gonna change how I treat everyone. But it’s really fuckin annoying to constantly hear “all men” when I’m actively going out of my way to be as helpful as possible.

    Feels sisyphean.

  • My only issue with that mentality is it completely ignores reality. I understand that most women have had a bad experience with a guy here or there. What they don’t seem to understand is that the types of guys that are doing these things are a small percentage of the population.

    The guys that are pulling this crap aren’t even gonna get offended by this whole “man or bear” thing in the first place. At the end of the day it just makes the rest of us feel even more dejected and apathetic about it all. Why should I champion for any woman when I’m going to be seen as a predator regardless?