Thanks for the encouragement & advice. I’ll give the web installer a go once I’ve had some sleep.
Thanks for the encouragement & advice. I’ll give the web installer a go once I’ve had some sleep.
I wanted to try it out today. The install looked intimidatingly-complex to me, is there an ‘easy mode’ installation method?
I’ve edited the post, thankfully someone beat me to replying so you weren’t left hanging. My apologies!
The advantages are, every part of the device can be easily recycled, and the parts to make the charge-holding portion of the battery are less damaging to acquire than in li-ion
From what the article said, most definitely not. But, it doesn’t look very complex in terms of scaling / manufcaturing it and they say they want to get it to market quickly.
I found not being able to remove the app frustrating, and wanted to go further than disable it. My thinking was, it’s my phone, I want it setup my way, and I don’t want bloat… especially facebook bloat on the phone.
I used to have a Samsung Galaxy S6, I rooted it so I could remove the facebook app… turned out they built a custom circuit in a little chip that permanently breaks NFC if you rooted it. Ridiculous.
I got a pixel 7a about 6 months ago. It’s a brilliant phone, once you remove all the google shit / bloat and block all the trackers.
Same. This game already has pushed my CPU to 100 degrees and sent my GPU fans to ‘insane RPM’ mode, and I’m just coming to end of act 2.