• 6 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 11th, 2024


  • If I do have time for a night out, my friends and I tend to favour queer establishments. Now a considerable portion of them are queer themselves, but considering the behaviour I’ve seen displayed towards female presenting people in straight clubs and bars, I don’t see how I could stand for excluding anyone from a space where they might feel less unsafe.

    Also, I don’t walk on eggshells around my straight friends, or any straight people, really, especially not on a night out. There are OK straight people, and there are not-OK queer people. If someone behaves badly in a bar, they should be kicked out regardless of their identity.

  • If we wanna go down that metaphor than it’d be in a world where the only options for a fully featured experience currently where a mac and a Chromebook.

    Fully Foss Smartphones are great as a concept, and I hope that Linux on mobile gets to a point where it’s usable as a sail driver, but it isn’t there yet for me, and I believe the same applies to a lot of people, which is kinda ironic to say in a comment thread in which I just wrote about recognising how personal experiences aren’t necessarily universally applicable, but whatever.

  • Well, it works for me and the people I have set it up for, which of course isn’t necessarily applicable to other people’s usecases.

    I think I was mainly a bit miffed about your I use Windows because I actually need to get work done line because it felt like the same smug attitude you had been criticising. We all need to recognise that out experiences aren’t universally applicable.

    We do have quite a few Linux evangelists on the platform, but i feel that’s kinda inherent to where lemmy as a platform came from. I think they are a bit silly, but making that a reason to not like a whole OS or ROM seems equally silly.

  • There are stable distros that just work™. In the end, you need a certain amount of knowledge for both Windows and Linux, and even then, I can recognise that Linux isn’t universally suitable at the moment. I can easily do everything I need for work on it, but I’m a software dev. Friends who are artists can’t, sice the tools they need just don’t exist on Linux, and are difficult to get to run in tools like Wine.

    The stability argument is a bit of a low hanging fruit though, especially if you simultaneously point at working around Windows issues, which most of the population probably doesn’t want to learn doing either.