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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2023


  • There’s a reason for that.

    Ancient apocalypse is what happens when you give a someone who is an outlier opinion in a field they never formally studied money to create a documentary. I would say it’s the ramblings of a bad journalist, but it’s pretty well done honestly. If you are up for “no one has studied this so no one knows this yet (please ignore anyone who says otherwise) but historians are lying to you! One thing they don’t want you to know, click here to learn more!” With nice pictures and some amount of actual information, and a lot of guessing, it’s pretty good. Not scientific, doesn’t pretend it can be backed up with facts, mostly “I’m just asking questions here” vibe. I would note the actual information I mentioned is “this site has been determined to be this old and is located in this geographic location and here are some pretty pictures of it”. There isn’t a ton of factual information, but that’s where each episode starts. He tries to find ‘experts’ and sometimes he will find someone else who hasn’t studied the topic either who will agree with him. Sometimes the best he can find is someone who generally works near by and won’t tell him he is explicitly incorrect.

  • Fortunately the ones who seemed socially awkward were the ones who did understand no. The majority who gave me scares were likely on the spectrum but none went too far. The ones who went too far and never respected no were definitely not on the spectrum, they were self centered and didn’t pay attention to others.

    There are plenty of men who act like boys because they have seen grace for their actions their whole lives. The result is that they cannot learn from their actions because they never learned how. They cannot understand when others don’t let them do whatever they want, and they don’t recognize consequences for their actions because they never had any. This may describe some on the spectrum but it has nothing to do with autism.

  • The undergrad boys in STEM I swear have never met a woman aside from their mothers. No, please don’t follow me home. Please don’t buy me food because I was next to you in line. Please don’t follow me into a store so you can buy me anything I’m purchasing. You are not invited into my conversation because you think I’m pretty, even if you just want to interrupt to tell me I’m pretty and you want to take me on a date. You are not allowed to hug me and hold me as long as you want just because you want to and it feels good for you, I didn’t want a hug and I didn’t know you. It isn’t cute for you to take things from me and play keep away because you are stronger and taller, it makes you a bully.

    Teachers: please don’t ignore me when I try and participate or ask a question. I’ve gotten Cs with no explanation, no marks aside from the grade itself. When I check other’s work, theirs is written up with mistakes and they have a higher grade. Honestly that was just one teacher in an undergrad, the rest were pretty awesome, or at least not sexist.