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Klingt so als wäre es vor allem ein Mix aus sehr einfachen Visaregeln, vielen offenen Stellen und dass es schon gut etabliert ist.
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Klingt so als wäre es vor allem ein Mix aus sehr einfachen Visaregeln, vielen offenen Stellen und dass es schon gut etabliert ist.
Wer hat uns verraten
At this point they should just consider disconnecting the UK from the wider internet
I was using the N900 when it came out and at that point Android was in no way superior to whatever Nokia was doing. Their main misstep was choosing Windows Phone and shipping the N9 as a dead-on-arrival product. Nonetheless the UX was pretty ahead of its time and we could have had a real Qt based Linux phone OS
Dann ists einfach nur eine Bußkabine
Haben wir eigentlich schon nen Namen für Blau-Schwarz-Rot?
Maemo and Meego were so good
And 16 year olds the british army:
Deutscher Abstammung != Deutscher
I feel like most things degrade as a matter of scope-creep, while trying to implement features that are actually complex and non-trivial.
Take the unholy mess of modern Microsoft Office. MS Office might have been a good tool for a single purpose back in the 80s, but the addition of multiple generation/layers of features that have been halfway abandoned but kept for compatibilitys sake, make any more complex task non-trivial. There are multiple approaches for implementing templating MS Word, none of which are really good. MS Macros have been great… if you are trying to get arbitrary code execution on Windows machines. And collaboretive editing features include halfway abandoned sharing features and a half-baked Web Version of Office 365.
As a matter of fact I don’t believe this is purely out of corporate greed, but rather a lack of scope limitation during design. People don’t ask if they should, if they simply can do. We shouldn’t have macros inside of Text Documents, there should be another tool for that. We shouldn’t have SQL queries pulling into Excel Worksheets. We shouldn’t use Excel as a database, but people had to change names of biological genes to avoid these being autoformatted in Excel.
But as a matter of fact, in general one is limited to working with the tools one knows, so convincing someone to use the correct tool for a job will always be harder than just delivering additional features, that we know will make the overall product worse.
Guess he has only been working 250x as hard as the other employees
Aber die Kids erreicht man dann ja nicht mehr!
Anstatt das Poliziebehörden erstmal mit existierenden Daten zusammenarbeiten können oder überhaupt digitalisieren, dürfen wir wieder über digitale Grundrechte streiten. Kann irgendein Befürworter sagen warum wir das jetzt unbedingt brauchen?
Korrigiert mich, aber gab es zu Zeiten der weimarer Republik nicht sowohl signifikante rechts- und linksradikale Gruppierungen. Die Nazis kamen am auch mithilfe einer antikommunisitischen Platform an die Macht uns schürten noch stärkere Angst vor Linksradikalen. Aus dieser Perspektive ist doch das wichtigste Radikalisierung der Politik in beide Richtungen so weit wie möglich zu reduzieren oder?
Statt Parteiverbote brauchen wir eine ernsthafte Reform der deutsche Medienlandschaft
Es braucht eine neue linke Partei, warum können wir nicht eine sozialistische Partei ohne seltsames Anbiedern an autoritäre Regimes der Gegenwart und Vergangenheit haben?
Reducing human oversight and intervention in HR will definitely not lead to problems down the road.
But then reversing sites will be so much more annoying
I think people should in general put as little trust as possible in corporations. Ensuring your tools, language and platform are as free as possible is a good idea.
Just look at the problematic situation for VS Code extensions by Microsoft, which are non-free.
Kinder sind nur so teuer, wie man Geld hat.