• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Captain Janeway@lemmy.worldOPtoaww@lemmy.worldJFK Airport. I'm not taking their advice.
    8 days ago

    Obviously don’t pet service dogs. Just to be clear. This photo was intentionally photoshopped to make it appear as though the airport was saying “Travel Advisory: when traveling don’t pet dogs”. As in, when in the UK never touch a dog. I thought it was funny/cutesy. I didn’t intend on sparking a big debate about the ethics of petting dogs or the rules about service dogs.

    Don’t touch service dogs.

    Pet dogs if you know them or are introduced to them.

    Basic dog rules people. Teach your children

  • Display and layout rules aren’t difficult at all. Maybe I’m just not experienced enough. I’ve been a web dev for nearly a decade now and I feel like I’ve got the hang of it. That being said, I don’t work on projects that have to work on everything from a Nokia to an ultra wide monitor. We shoot for a few common sizes and hope it clears between edge cases nicely. What is an example of something that wraps randomly?

  • Genuinely, though, CSS is fairly clear cut about the rules of positioning and space. Relative positioning is one of the most important concepts to master since it allows things to flow via the HTML structure and not extra CSS. Fixed positioning is as if you had no relative container other than the window itself. Absolute positioning is a little weird, but it’s just like fixed positioning except within the nearest parent with relative positioning.

    Everything else is incredibly straight forward. Padding adds space within a container. Margins add space outside a container. Color changes text color. Background-color changes the background color of an element.

    Top, left, right, and bottom dictate where the element should be positioned after the default rules are applied. So if you have a relative div inside a parent which is half way down the page, top/right/left/bottom would move the element relative to it’s position within the parent. If you made the div fixed, it would be moved relative to the window.

    Lastly, if you’re designing a webpage just think in boxes or rows and columns. HTML can define 75% of the webpage structure. Then with just a bit of CSS you can organize the content into rows/columns. That’s pretty much it. Most web pages boil down to simple boxes within boxes. It just requires reading and understanding but most people don’t want to do that to use CSS since it feels like it should just “know”.

    As someone who has built QT, Swing, and JavaFx applications, I way prefer the separation of concerns that is afforded us via HTML JS and CSS.

  • I see. Well without a command line, I wouldn’t call it a terminal. I think you just want tooling to be available on an Android? It would probably look like a button or series of buttons on an app. Maybe you could connect the dots between them to insinuate a pipe? E.g., you have a “mv” button and a “file” button. When you drag from mv -> file you could maybe kick off a process that moves the file. Maybe it would prompt you for other arguments like destination? I suppose this theoretical app could allow people to install additional tooling and make their own custom commands.

    But I just feel like a button UI for these kinds of things will always be awkward. If you don’t have a keyboard/terminal interface, it’s hard to implement anything that would even behave like terminals in terms of functionality.