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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Everyone has a unique identifier. If you don’t share that with anyone, how would they know who’s vote it is? Couldn’t the number be randomized and a new UUID provided on a routine basis?

    Every American has a Social Security number, but it’s not exactly like we’re told to broadcast it to the world… I don’t see why something like that couldn’t be implemented here using technology.

    My point is the general ledger technology of the blockchain which would be beneficial here.

    But of course this is all a pipe dream. America is damn near a Kleptocracy and both political parties have written laws to prevent a third political party from ever arising.

  • I’d love to see that happen, But it’s because America won’t switch to a direct democracy. Instead we have a Kleptocracy run by corporations and the 1% who have power over both parties in America. However if it were possible to create a third political party where every member of the party earns only one vote maybe it would give people power back over corporations. But it’s a pipe dream, I know it’ll never happen.

  • I personally envision a future where we use blockchain technology to create a new direct democracy party in which every member has a unique identifier and the blockchain ledger system used to track polling data. Every individual member of the party would have one vote in each poll at ever level (federal, state, regional, etc) - for every single thing that gets a vote, and the elected politician representing that party would be required to vote based on the polling data.

    Everyone would have access to a copy of the ledger to confirm their votes are counted accurately, and they can review polling data to confirm their elected politicians are voting based on polling data, and the representative would be replaced if they do not adhere to the results

  • Cool - forcing ads into the start menu, forcing edge on users. Guess like Win10 is where I leave windows forever.

    I downloaded Mandrake Linux back in 1992. I’ve always fiddled with linux over the years but could never fulfill all my needs. But things have changed recently. I’ve started using ChatGPT to help me when I hit roadblocks with Linux, and it’s REALLY helped work around the various barriers that have kept me from fully adopting linux. Honestly, I am looking forward to switching entirely over to Linux for my business - I’m tired of Windows. And I’ve been here since Win3.1!!

  • I avoided chrome for a long time. Finally I made the switch because FF was getting too slow on old computers back in the day. Lasted for maybe five or six years before I started getting some bad vibes. Why am I letting google run the web browsing software I’m using? This can’t/won’t be good in the future.

    At least five years ago I made the switch back to Firefox, and haven’t looked back. I love having adblocking that works (I use a router level ad block and ublock origin just in case to ensure I block almost every ad on the internet lol).

    I’m honestly surprised it took people this long to decide to move away from Chrome.

  • ChatGPT Summary of the article and why it’s relevant:

    Physicists at Hamburg University have achieved a major breakthrough in quantum physics by observing a unique state of matter called the Machida-Shibata state. This state involves electrons pairing up within a tiny artificial atom on a superconductor’s surface. This discovery, published in the journal Nature, has implications for creating advanced electronic devices and quantum computers.

    Normally, electrons repel each other due to their charges, affecting how materials conduct electricity. But under certain conditions, electrons can form pairs that act like special particles, allowing materials to conduct electricity without resistance, a property called superconductivity.

    The researchers induced superconductivity in the smallest unit possible, a “quantum dot,” using silver atoms and a lead superconductor. They confirmed theoretical predictions made decades ago and found that this new state of matter could reduce noise in quantum computers.

    This discovery is crucial as it opens doors to better understanding quantum behavior and developing technologies like superconducting electronics and more efficient quantum computers.

  • There’s been a lot of chatter that he is seriously ill (I’ve heard cancer or Parkinson, but who knows what it really is) - people who’ve analyzed the recent photos say they see swelling in his hands/wrists which could indicate the use of strong steroids which are known to alter thought processes that could explain his recent believe that he could win a conflict with Ukraine and beat India to the south pole of the moon (concurrently no less).

    I’m honestly impressed that russia admitted the landing failed at all, I figured they would have simply kept quiet. I guess they know we have strong enough telescopes to see the crash site? Who knows lol