Wow nostalgia. I haven’t seen this for years. Love this game growing up
Wow nostalgia. I haven’t seen this for years. Love this game growing up
That’s something. I worked at Dell for a year a long time ago and I can safely say it was the worst job of my life. Hated everything about it. I was jealous of the grounds keepers id see out my windows. Only lasted about 9 months. However, I still think their computers are decent as far as the big computer manufacturers go. I’d buy one today if I needed to. Although looking into manufacturers like system 76 makes me think I’ll go that route for my next laptop.
I wanted to but my pixel bootloader is carrier locked. Supposedly you can call and ask them to unlock it if you own the device but not sure if that’s true.
Yeah same. It sucks. I got into Google stuff back when Gmail was in beta and invite only. Admittedly I really only use Gmail, drive and the calendar. But the sso aspects is the part that is the hangup I think. I have so many accounts utilizing their identity provider solution.
Wow, I thought the same op. Incredible.
Yeah Gmail is the hardest. Just for the sheer amount of logins. Been with it was an invite only beta in like 2005. I got a paid proton account but it’s hard to shake it because I’m constantly needing to log back in with it.
Thanks. I lost access to my original steam account from like 2005ish over a decade ago that had this… Awesome!
So many orphaned branches… Poor things.
I’ve been using smart launcher for I don’t even know now. A decade. It’s great.
I usually go Spigen rugged armor. Cheap, minimal and works great. Last 4 phones I’ve used that model.
Isolinear chips have arrived.
True! I was shocked looking at my pihole logs and see how much Firefox phones home for that crap the other day.
For example: Firefox today on my pihole.
It does the canvas anti fingerprinting with it’s letterbox style display… Is strict with cross site cookie denial. A few more differences. Check out mulls site. I found it pretty detailed in its explanations
I tried osmand~ from f droid (which is essentially the paid version) and for browsing it works great. Navigation was pretty bad however. I had a lot of issue where when I click to find a route to an address it would get stuck and never route. Also in my testing, it would take you some pretty bizarre routes where I couldn’t trust it. I am unfortunately back to Google maps that I dowloaded through the aurorastore using as anonymously as I can without any Google account on my device.
Spotify is nearing the cut point for me. Subbed since 2011. The UI is getting worse…
I’m all for this protection but for the sake of argument isn’t use of the service consent to begin with? Or is that the American argument around these types of regulation?
I’m a pihole, vpn, adblock and invidious user ftr… 😂
Pretty much the same, captain.
Yeah the media should be ashamed of how that got out of control. It was one broken English quote from a random Israeli soldier without any fact checking.
I am generally uninformed on this conflict beyond reading a a synopsis or history for the pass century or so this week, the agenda on either side seems pretty blatant from the media outlets. Now I haven’t seen Israeli media directly but seeing what us centric media is reporting My god, I watched fox news and they were basically foaming at the mouth and showing the same clips and had a woman that would say the same thing every few hours trying to dehumanize the other side. I watched al Jazeera last night for a few hours and they frame the attack on Saturday as a counter attack (forever recursively correct) overlook what happened as much as possible and frame context to give it a morality pass and generally are trying to downplay how western media is reporting it… I took a look at who owns al Jazeera, it’s state run media from Qatar. We all know foxnews is basically ultra conservatives circle jerk. It’s two sides slinging shit. However, al Jazeera seems to point out the lack of Israeli media allowing any western reporting of what’s really happening in gaza which I 100% agree with. It’s good to get perspective on either sides but to me both western and Arab centric outlets are obviously pushing their agendas.
I acknowledge my ignorance on the complexities on this issue and am only providing my take as someone trying to understand this issue from the woefully biased reporting surrounding this issue.
Sad to see but not surprising due to his history. He was a brilliant lyricist and I am a big fan of his work. RIP shane.