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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Nah, the idiot went on too long without receiving consequences for his stupid mouth. People that say shit like that only say it because they think they can antagonize others without expecting anything in return. I imagine that guy had a long history of shit-talking, you don’t spontaneously just become a racist fuckface with a loud mouth.

    The fact he took the next step and punched the guy in the face–that’s where he crossed the line, and all bets were off. He could have just apologized, run, or shut up but instead he chose to further escalate the situation that he started. At the end of the day, this isn’t about being the “bigger man” or whatever it is you’re trying to do to make the racist the good guy. Some people need to learn that you can’t just go fucking with anyone you like without fear of retribution.

    His parents would have done well to warn them of the dangers they might face by picking a fight with a stranger. Luckily, we can learn from his mistake and perhaps even share this tale with our loved ones so they too can catch themselves before they start hurting racial epithets at truck drivers, then proceeding to punch them in the face when confronted for their words. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • I think there’s a couple things at play:

    • You know enough to find a different app and make it do what you need it to. Not a hard thing, but something many non-tech savvy people could struggle with, or more likely–

    • People often will just use what’s there. We know we have options, we are aware of the privacy concerns… but many people simply aren’t and/or don’t care enough to do anything about it.

    We spend a lot of time here, so it seems to us like second nature to avoid intrusive apps… I find in my day-to-day life not many people are talking about that kind of stuff, or don’t have much knowledge/experience in that realm. (I realize that is anecdotal).

    I 100% agree with your statements–just trying to rationalize how so many people end up using/staying with these ever-worsening services/apps…

  • That seems to be the life-cycle of social forums online. The successful ones usually seem to have at least a slightly left-leaning user base, which inevitably attracts trolls/right-wingers/supremacists/etc. The trolls don’t have much fun talking to each other, as they are insufferable people to begin with. It seems like a natural progression for them to seek out people they disagree with, since they have nothing else/better to do. Gab and the like are just the “safe spaces” they constantly berate everyone else for having (which they hate extra hard since their bullshit isn’t accepted in those places)