• 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Good on him, who doesn’t?

    Oh absolutely, no argument there.

    Is it oniony because he’s a rapper and if so, what in all boomer hell kind of a take is that? Yikes

    No, my intention there was more like " healthcare is such an unbelievably bad scam in this country We had to get a random celebrity that you haven’t thought about for several years on the problem." Like, I figured the service level seeming randomness of the headline would be a good hook to draw people into reading about a real problem (hospital prices being completely unpredictable ) and a good person trying to do something about it, but after reading your comment I can see how that might not have come through.

  • Yes, but it’s a crappier legal process than Britain should be able to get away with. She’s a British citizen who was radicalized on British soil and now they’re just pawning off the problem they created onto someone else.

    e; like, fuck daesh to hell and back, they were one of the most evil intentioned organizations ever, but doing shit in an unequal and secretive way just writes propaganda for their sympathizers. The right way to deal with terrorists is to treat them like the organized crime they are - drag them into the court room, put on a full presentation of the evidence against them for an independent press to report on, give them a fair chance to defend their actions, and when they’re unable to do so throw them in a jail cell and treat them like the dangerous, evil, but ultimately human thing they are. Denying healthcare, torturing people, etc. does more to hurt the society that perpetrates it than it does to our enemies in the long run.

    e2; added the italicized bit