• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I mean general advice with potential hardware issues is remove as much hardware as possible, and see if the problem still exists. If it does, swap components one-by-one until you find the faulty component.

    Since this seems to a sporadic problem, it would probably help to try find a way to trigger the problem more reliably. Maybe write a script that writes random files constantly, or something like that.

  • Looking at someone being tortured and your first thought is “must have done something to deserve this”. That’s fucked up.

    And then you immediately tell everybody else this thought. “This guy probably deserved it!” You did not take a couple of seconds to check whether your theory is contradicted by the article. You victimized the guy again with your baseless accusation, but you did not think or care about that.

    Your excuse for this? Can’t accept the IDF soldiers being ontologically evil. Yeah me neither pal, it’s a childish concept. There are actual material reasons for the cruelty. If you want to steal someone’s land, you need to drive them out, and being cruel is a tried and true method to achieve this. No need to invoke good and evil, and no need to invent your own reality.

    But of course, you do not afford the same to Hamas. No elaborate theory-crafting in this instance. There you have no problem declaring them just plain evil.

    What flavor evil are you?

  • Die liberalen Gründungsväter der USA waren Sklavenhalter, Völkermörder und Eroberer, und deren Vorstellung von Demokratie war eine Klassenherrschaft, wo nur weiße Männer mit Grundbesitz wählen durften. (Liberale Demokratie ist sowieso immer die Herrschaft der besitzenden Klasse.) Das waren trotzdem Liberale.

    Das ist dieser no true scotsman Fehlschluss. Das ist eine korrekte Verwendung des Wortes liberal. Dich stört vermutlich daran, dass du dich irgendwie als liberal identifizierst, aber nicht mit Milei in eine Topf geworfen werden willst. Dann benutze halt “sozialliberal”, oder “sozialdemokratisch” oder so, wenn du dich abgrenzen willst, anstatt dich darüber zu beschweren, wenn Worte nach Definition korrekt benutzt werden.

  • Wieso der ist doch liberal? Das ist eine Art von Liberalismus. Liberalismus ist kein nettes Gefühl, das ist die Ideologie des Kapitalismus.

    Privateigentum, Markt, Wettbewerb, persönliche Freiheit (wenn man sich es leisten kann) und damit auch die Freiheit andere Auszubeuten und die Not anderer Auszunutzen war von Anfang an Teil (ich würde sagen: Kern) der liberalen Ideologie. Für all das steht der Milei. Wieso willst du dem absprechen, aus welcher Tradition der offensichtlich kommt?

    Die Hayek-Gesellschaft hat dem gerade einen Preis gegeben, viel liberaler wird’s nicht. Steht ja sogar in Link:

    Mit dem Friedrich-August-von-Hayek-Preis ehrt die Gesellschaft herausragende Beiträge zur Förderung der Prinzipien des Liberalismus und der freien Marktwirtschaft. Der Preis genießt in akademischen und liberalen Kreisen hohes Ansehen und gilt als bedeutende Auszeichnung auf dem Gebiet der Wirtschaftswissenschaften und der Sozialphilosophie.

  • Very weird, I can think of some things I might check:

    • It is possible that you have files on disk that don’t have a filename anymore. This can happen when a file gets deleted while it is still opened by some process. Only the filename is gone then, but the file still exist until that process gets killed. If this were the problem, it would go away if you rebooted, since that kills all processes.

    • Maybe it is file system corruption. Try running fsck.

    • Maybe the files are impossible to see for baobab. Like if you had gigs of stuff under (say) /home on you root fs, then mount another partition as /home over that, those files would be hidden behind the mount point. Try booting into a live usb and checking your disk usage from there, when nothing is mounted except root.

    • If you have lots and lots of tiny files, that can in theory use up a lot more disk space than the combined size of the files would, because on a lot file systems, small files always use up some minimum amount of space, and each file also has some metadata. This would show up as some discrepancy between du and df output. For me, df --inodes / shows ~300000 used, or about 10% of total. Each file, directory, symlink etc. should require one inode, I think.

    • I have never heard of baobab, maybe that program is buggy or has some caveats. Does du -shx / give the same results?

  • Like this?

    set -eu
    name_from_desc() {
        LANG=C pactl list sinks \
            | awk 'BEGIN {FS=": "} /Name:/ {name=$2} /Description:/ {print name, ":", $2}' \
            | while IFS=' : ' read name desc; do
            if [ "$desc" = "$1" ]; then echo "$name"; fi
    id_from_name() {
        pw-cli i "$1" | awk '/id:/ {print $2}'
    ret=$(LANG=C pactl list sinks | awk 'BEGIN {FS=": "} /Description:/ {print $2}' | tofi)
    wpctl set-default $(id_from_name $(name_from_desc "$ret"))

    I don’t get how that case statement of yours is even supposed to work. I’m pretty sure that’s just a syntax error. I guess you want to map from description to name? But that’s not remotely what that does.

  • I’m still skeptical. At the time of the original Pentium (the last 586 from Intel, the fastest of which was 300 MHz), the usual amount of RAM was something like 16 or 32 MB. A 586 with 1 GB of RAM is extremely weird and probably impossible unless it’s some sort of high-end server. This does not check out.

    Oh and DDR is also from around the time of the Pentium 4. I don’t think there exists a machine that has both DDR and an original Pentium (aka 586). Again, this does not check out and is probably impossible.

    There could be another reason it won’t boot.

  • I used unstable for years (don’t anymore). It broke itself in minor and major ways every couple of months. Maybe it wouldn’t boot or X wouldn’t start, or the package dependencies were broken and I couldn’t install certain packages for a couple of days. Stuff like that.

    You will have manually to fix these things from time to time, or do a workaround (like manually downgrading certain packages), or wait a week so stuff gets sorted. Most of the time it works fine though. I imagine the experience is somewhat similar to running arch.

    You do not get security fixes, but it’s not a massive problem usually, since you’ll get the newest version of most software after a couple of days (occasionally longer) after it is released.

    Anyway do not recommend unless you want to be a beta tester. I did report bugs sometimes, but almost always by the time I encountered an issue, it was already reported and a fix was already in the works.

  • gnuhaut@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlI Tried Gaming on Linux...
    17 days ago

    I have never used the Steam beta or Proton-GE or whatever information is spreading out there to noobs about what they should do, and I’ve been gaming exclusively on Linux for more than 20 years. Only do this beta or bleeding edge stuff if you have a problem, and a good reason to believe that will help (like people reporting your specific issue is fixed in beta). Or I guess if you’re bored out of your mind. And expect other issues since it’s fucking beta.