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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 29th, 2024


  • But you absolutely can buy lettuce with it. You just have to find someone that will accept that particular currency.

    Well, I can find a nerd who would sell me some lettuce for Nintendo Switch. Does it make Nintendo Switch a currency? Nope. With Canadian dimes I guess I can go to any shop in Canada and buy it, which makes it a valid currency in Canada. What you are right about, is that almost every currency is regional.

    you can use American currency very, very easily to buy illegal stuff;

    Oh thanks, if they allow me to the US I’d probably make use of this information.

    Edit: a physical cat is not an abstraction. A physical, individual cat is the thing itself. The abstraction is the concept of “cat”; when you think “cat” as a concept, you aren’t thinking about a specific, individual animal, but of a concept that defines ‘catness’; it probably has fur, whisker, pointy ears, a tail, etc., even though an individual cat may not have any of these things.

    Fuck Kant. As you mentioned, cat is definited through catness, but catness is defined through cats, hence a cat abstracts all cats. Unless you think of all other cats, your physical cat is a cloud of atoms

  • Everything is an abstraction. A cat is an abstraction. There’s no cat, only an animal living in your apartment that looks like other similar animals.

    What makes this money fake you’d ask? Probably because you cannot buy lettuce for it. Only illegal stuff, money, other fake money and, in some places, you can buy a hotel room for a few nights. Idk, crypto looks more like a commodity than currency to me.

  • I have to wonder, don’t the majority of Russians pretty much know that their government is full of shit?

    Let me offer my perspective,as a Russian. People do not want to lose everything like they did in the 90s. Yes, everyone understands that the government is full of shit, but they believe in the belief (google it, an interesting concept) that it’s virtuous to support a government.

    It’s like a classic trolley problem. Yes, you’d probably push that lever, but you know of consequences and you just purchased a car and your wife is pregnant. You are caught in this unending circle, you simply do not want to deal with it because it doesn’t affect you. But when it does affect you, it’s always the west: shock therapy of the 90s, current sanctions, debit card ban, visa bans, etc.