I encrypt my desktop and laptop but not my servers. On desktop, that excludes drives that aren’t my OS/boot drive.
I encrypt my desktop and laptop but not my servers. On desktop, that excludes drives that aren’t my OS/boot drive.
yeah, that ain’t gonna happen
Someone needs to explain to this bloody orange monkey what tariffs are.
Brazil’s Trump? no way
Damn Google be speed running how quickly they can make me replace all their services. Google Maps and Youtube are about the only 2 I still use.
Didn’t like when Russia did it and I don’t like that Ukraine is doing it. BUT, the review/per basis process does make a big difference and makes it an easier pill to swallow.
Researchers were able to clone a user’s entire Signal session by copying the local storage directory, allowing them to access the chat history on a separate device
This has actually been useful for me in the past when reinstalling my OS lmao. In an ideal world we could reverify by entering a code from our phones to unlock the desktop local storage after moving it. My biggest wish for Signal is more seamless message history movement across devices and ecosystems. Fuck even proper back ups would be nice.
lmao chill. A broken clock is still right twice a day.
What are you on about? The Osprey is a piece of shit that should never have been flying to begin with.
Oh absolutely! I wouldn’t trust them with anything mission critical but for little projects here and there they’re absolutely amazing.
I’d recommend racknerd. Their black Friday pricing is available year round and they have super good annual pricing on some of their VPS options https://www.racknerd.com/BlackFriday/
I think there’s a little more at play than just not reading it lol
Loading screens got shorter as tech improved. Now tech is too fast for proper ads so I bet there’s going to be intentional delay time added in the future for more ad impressions.
Isn’t Netflix exempt from these fees too? Or do they just not allow you to sign up in app and redirect to a browser?
I think there’s some irony in Google getting fined for not storing ENOUGH user data lmao
Well didn’t they initially want carriers implementing RCS with interoperability between each other to sunset sms? But that didn’t quite pan out. IIRC there was a time when Verizon had a limited number of devices that supported RCS but only on their network, similar story with Bell in Canada. Hell at one point even Samsung had RCS but only with other Samsung phones. Fragmentation was rampant so Google took matters into their own hands. Not saying I’m happy Googles at the helm but they didn’t start out with that intention.
In theory, sure. But, realistically I can’t picture an economically feasible way to transport it.
I thought the man was joking then I saw his smooth brained response below. Software patents are cancer and shouldn’t exist.
As someone who lived surrounded by ocean my entire life it’s been painfully obvious for over a decade now. Really frustrating to see people only start believing it once it affects them despite literal mountains of evidence proving so.