I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.

The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024


  • The court’s decision to dismiss evidence obtained from Mossack Fonseca’s servers on grounds of “due process” is a masterstroke of legal gymnastics. It’s as if the smoking gun in a murder case were deemed inadmissible because the detective forgot to say “please” when collecting it.

    Shameless. And despite the evidence being known to exist, that “due process” will never happen when so many current and former heads of state are on the defendant list.

    World leaders and politicians:

    • David Cameron: Former British Prime Minister
    • Volodymyr Zelensky: Current President of Ukraine
    • Mauricio Macri: Former President of Argentina
    • Iceland’s Prime Minister (unnamed in the search results, but known to be Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson), who resigned due to the scandal

    Celebrities and sports figures:

    • Lionel Messi: Argentine football icon
    • Pedro Almodovar: Spanish filmmaker

    Business figures:

    • Aliko Dangote: Africa’s richest man

    As we watch these 28 defendants walk free, let us not forget the true victims of this charade: the countless millions who bear the burden of a system rigged against them.

  • You can think that, but understand that it is a theory that the government is conspiring to keep knowledge tech the public.

    Look, I can’t and won’t try to change your mind, seems like you have already decided it’s happened. But you should understand that their is no evidence to believe in telepathy. That doesn’t mean impossible, but if you choose to believe it is possible AND invented in the early 90s that is entirely a you choice. Much like choosing to believe in god.

    So sure, believe whatever. Just know that without evidence it will be difficult to get serious people to take you serious.

  • Which ignores the context that getting them with a prescription is becoming a functional immposiblity for trans people in the UK. I support the concept that prescription drugs should not be for sale, BUT it is disengenerous that the prescription process is arbitrarily years long and constantly under attack.

    My trans friend who lives in the UK has been forced to get her medication from the web because she has been on a waiting list to get a prescription for over three years now! She actively wants someone with a medical degree involved in her care, but that’s literally immposible for her, despite her well paying job. It’s easy enough to say “don’t break the law” while ignoring the people harmed.

  • Fucking horseshit.

    These drugs aren’t dangerous, and for those that seek them it’s often life saving. This isn’t “illegal prescriptions” like oxy for a high that fuels drug trade. Seriously, there is no gain for humanity by making life MORE difficult for trans folk. Especially in the UK where the wait list for a prescription is literally YEARS long.

    It’s super duper disengenerous to call these illegal drug. Their medicine for people with gender dysphoria, and further restricting their access to it is nothing short of cruelty.