„bethany bongiorno“ is the most made-up sounding name I‘ve ever heard
„bethany bongiorno“ is the most made-up sounding name I‘ve ever heard
jokes on you i almost always use wireless 🕶️
wieso sieht der aus als wäre er am schmelzen?
I‘m German, currently living in Switzerland and when I recently visited Germany I was appalled by the amount of unconditional support for Israel, for example a HUGE (maybe 10x10m?) israeli flag on the offices of the Grünen party and official posters calling for solidarity. I don‘t even think this is stemming from (however undifferentiated and misguided) historical considerations, rather than geopolitical considerations. Also on the subject of the article, I think that‘s a pretty apt and carefully done comparison.
danke! weiss gar nicht, muss dem mal nachgehen
hab heute nachtdienst :( beileidsbekundungen bitte in meine richtung
well worth the read, I didn‘t know about the IPO background until now
ah sweet, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension