ugly bag of mostly water
don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine
Yorkshire Gold, two sugars, splash of evaporated milk.
Please give him a smooch for me, looks so soft and cuddly!
Tryin’ to holla at me
Snoot boops and butt scritches for my favorite internet longboye 🥰
Oh snap
It’s still a fucking numbnut thing to do.
Great… stick them in Starship with space Karen and let them blast off then
Ugly bags of mostly water
It’s a trickle-up economy.
Ha, called it! It’s a great song. Music video is kinda neat too.
RIP Jimmy 🖤
At this point I stick to the lager drink, matched one-for-one with the water drink. Hashtag aging…
Wolfenstein and Hover.
He’s bad to the (milk)bone
Whoops you’re right - corrected, thanks!
African-American Vernacular English (basically Black dialect) for ‘mom’. Might be dated by now?
That happens when you break the Warp 10 threshold (in normal space, doesn’t happen if you’re in a transwarp corridor).
This wolf wears whatever the hecc he wants!