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Joined 16 days ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2024


  • I hear you, it’s been a brutal millennium so far and things look like they’ll get worse before they get better.

    We’re all powerless alone, and I don’t see us being able to stop the worst of what’s to come, but there’s pressure building against Israel, against capitalism, against conservatism, against the status quo.

    It’s going to be a rough ride but we need to stubbornly exist and be present and visible so that the pressure keeps building.

  • He might have even had some dangerous written materials they should have searched his whole house. Or maybe dangerous chemicals hidden in his closet. Or maybe dangerous weapons stuffed in the couch cushions. They should have ransacked the whole place.

    Why even endanger themselves going in with just cuffs? Flashbang the guy before he can react with a possibly deadly weapon. Drive a battering ram through his front door it only takes a second to open fire.

    Put him under surveillance for a few weeks and collect his whole schedule so you can hit him when it’s safe.