Common insult in germany for people being too stereotypically german. Used it on multiple occasions :D
Common insult in germany for people being too stereotypically german. Used it on multiple occasions :D
An interesting customer base might be small communal organisations. At our local scouts troop I had a discussion with a friend, who is also in IT. His idea (not fleshed out) was to provide small local organizations with a stack of already configured open source software to support the typical needs of such organizations (like a wordpress website, a nextcloud for file storage and common calender, limesurvey for surveys and event registration, mailman3 for mailing lists,…). Depending on the needs you could sell the initial setup process (your personal work in setting up and skill transfer) or ongoing support. Though such organizations normally don’t have much money to give away. So probably its not really worth your time financially (though probably really appreciated in the community).
I cannot find callibreoffice. Where can I get it to try? Or do you mean Collabora?
I really need a libreoffice calc on my android phone. Not just opening (where currently only Microsoft Excel on Android works for me) but also editing and saving to my connected nextcloud (where I have also problems with Excel)
Yeah, sure, delusional. Until you call a local polititian “so 1 dick” on some online platform, leading to you and also your ex grilfriend getting raided by the police, all electronic devices taken by them as evidence for an undetermined time and the low key threats from the prosecutor about what would happen next. Or until a journalist dares to link to a website, that the state recently criminalized the creators of, though the state itself links to that specific site, too. And depending on how easy the access for the police is: You might wanna refrain from being too popular (like a famous singer or actor) or from being active against climate change or right wing extremism. Your personal data is easily leaked through the police to anyone of their friends.
You might think, that this is overly specific and won’t really happen? Well, it already did. In germany. Sure, most people won’t have the states crosshair on their forehead. But nontheless you might easily be one of the exceptions.
Sounds as dumb of an idea as the one child policy
Äh, ate the onion? Was ist denn für ein Verein? Weiß das jemand? Von den Schlagzeilen der Hauptseite hört sich das zwischen Satire und Bullshit an. Sehe erstmal nicht warum ich denen irgendwas glauben sollte. Vlt kann mich ja jemand erhellen.
What is currently the state of things for nuclear waste in the US? In germany they still search for a place for storing it long term. Gets in the news now and then. Did the US have more success with finding a good site? Or is this again just companies betting to hand over the waste to the public when they are done? As I remember in germany the companies got a cheap buy out for the waste after the closure of nuclear power plants where setup.
I’ve previously printed custom lego pieces for the Lego League kids, that my wife has at work. I’m using a Creality Ender 3 S1 with 0.4mm nozzle. Though I’ve not tried smaller parts. They were 8x2 units and 2 or 3 units high. They have the name of the kid on the side. It took some tries to get the tolerances good enough, but now I can print them with normal speed and minimal post processing.
So I think it depends on what pieces you want to print.
That is an important part of the plot in the german book Qualityland. Really hilarious
Noch ein paar Gebärmutterbetten für die deutschen Bauern, Cyrill!
Echt? Habe sowas noch nie gesehen
You only cloned the sketch into the other bodies. You still need to use these sketches in each body to create a pocket. So activate one of the side panels for editing (double clicking on the body in the list, so that the name is bold), then selecting the sketch clone and clicking the pocket symbol in the part design workbench. Set its depth and click ok. Repeat for the other side panel
Und doch bleibt der menschliche Faktor: Wenn man sich vertippt und “Bernd” statt 50 Euro versehentlich 500 Euro überweist, hat er das Geld rechtssicher in wenigen Sekunden auf seinem Konto.
Das ist doch auch bei jedem anderen System so, oder? Bei normaler Überweisung und auch bei Paypal Freunde (was ja auch eine Bezahlmethide ohne weitere Absicherung für Käufer ist)
Ah, habe echt Omis gelesen und dachte jetzt dass deutsche Großmütter ihren Enkeln geschlossen nur noch veganen Schinken Spicker füttern XD
Which then wouldn’t be a legally full verification of your age, thus the legislation would probably require some other means. We currently have a similar discussion in the EU regarding porn sites. Verification methods could be showing your id card and your face to a webcam, or showing up at a verification office in person (at least in germany we have this with our national postal service). Of course the porn sites don’t want to implement this. And I cannot really blame them. Nobody would give a random porn site their real identity and it would still be very easy to get porn without verification.
Age verification on social media is very similar.
AfD-Politiker pflegen geheime Kontakte zu extrem Rechten.
Sie pflegen also geheime Kontakte zu ihnen selbst? Das überrascht mich aber jetzt /s
Holy shit, didn’t know there is an actual Nerv created by an organisation named Gehirn. I mean, good what they are doing, just hope, that Gehirn doesn’t get around to do the instrumentality project. Otherwise we will get problems with angels
Even the extra budget (Sondervermögen) of 100 million € is not nearly enough to do this. Suren technically it is possible, but it would require so much money, that it is highly unlikely, that we would see the parliament in unison here. Currently the Bundeswehr cannot handle millions of conscriptions.
Though having cash is not enough. The stores also need to be able to accept cash without internet usage. I think we had a case in germany a few years ago, where some supermarkets could not sell anything, because the servers, to which the local payment system connected (also uses for cash) didn’t work. Not sure, if that was because of a security incident.