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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • In xenophobic Japan, a foreigner especially an African is allowed to massacre Japanese people with zero consequences. The same problem will exist if a westerner enters Japan and massacres Japanese citizenry with zero consequence.

    It was a very anti-Japanese ( replace Japanese with Jewish or any other ethnic or cultural or minority group ) game centered in Japan. ( Butsu buddha statue is expressly forbidden in Japan from pictorial / digital / non-real-life representations but Ubisoft decided to make a digital 3d model and place it in AC:S) with blatant disrespect and cultural-dissonance.

    If it was Yagyu Juubei and Naoe or some similar Japanese main-characters there would be almost no backlash . Edit2: complete rejection as non-immersive and non-Japanese behaviour.

    Edit: Listen to gamers and sensible people who actually care for a good Ubisoft game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUu7-i1kMyg

    Edit2: Listen to a Japanese perspective to the problems Ubisoft has caused Japan. An entire country offended for greedy corpos and fake DEI messaging. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GYauJy9fJ0

  • maniii@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlIs Pine64 dead?
    5 days ago

    It is the same/similar problem that Nokia/Maemo and Sailfish/merOS have all had.

    Some things are binary-blobs + NDAs and many things are still locked, the OSS community can only do so much before they hit the commercial roadblocks.

    We need a complete CoreBoot + OSS silicon-chips + OSS firmware + all-community / all-commercial dual production lines.

    The open-source-based company should be able to sell both the commercial locked-version and the oss-all-unlocked-version with the ability to switch infinitely between the two models.

    But the world of electronics rarely will ever work or reach that level of interoperability , repairability or recycling this way. Not for a long time maybe in some distant future.

  • Now it is up to Kamala and the DNC to hold their promises and keep fighting till election day.

    1. Keep campaigning in key rust-belt states.

    2. Stay on message.

    3. Pass as many executive orders to be finalized after Jan 6 2025.

    4. Keep fighting for the middle-class families and get people like Bernie Sanders and Katie Porter and Tammy Duckworth to front-run every possible middle-class campaign and draft bills for congress, house and senate.


    Get Elected and then do whatever PR statement, controversy, bs etc.

  • So, since this is related to your course and a required part of assignments, get things in writing,

    1. Let the Dorm and ISP know that you need an exception due to coursework.

    2. It might be in your best interest to temporarily invest in your own internet,I think 5G might have low enough latency to manage the connection.

    If all this is for one semester until you move back ? Just get a cheap mini-PC install pfSense or any other firewall/router software to isolate all your devices and Wifi router from the rest of the network. I believe some people have mentioned MAC-spoofing and TTL-reset as ways to bypass detection. And if anyone asks, you can show your written communications and your course requirements.

    Always be on the safe side when it comes to dealing with academics and private orgs.

    There might be a Dept Counselor or Rep you can discuss about your requirements. Even professors can help with some of these kind of things.

  • maniii@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldStudent dorm does not allow wifi routers
    23 days ago

    Mighty unpopular opinion here.

    OP you are there at the Uni to learn to grow and pass the course+exams. If you need to do extracurricular activities, please setup time at home, travel home to do those things.

    If home is faraway and you still want to do it, find a reliable off-campus-non-dorm location and do your stuff from there.

    Your main objective is to get through Uni without falling behind and managing your time and effort wisely. If you fail Uni because you focused too much on non-essential activities, be a responsible adult and accept the results of your adult decisions.

    Edit: I never said that OP shouldn’t do non-Uni activities. Just that time+effort has to be MANAGED between the two. Life isnt fair and life doesnt give two shits if you fuck up. That is what being an adult means.

    Edit2: I can see people commenting on Universities imposing mandatory dorm fees. Do you people not choose which university to apply and get accepted? Did you not think…“this uni is very strict, or this uni has a lot of on-campus resources, or this uni has great course-materials, etc etc” … and it would also include “this uni dorm is optional/mandatory and I can live there cheap or live outside expensive or it is bum-ducking nowhere but fields/forests/wilderness” … you did choose that uni to attend and paid up ?

  • A lot of Unis have IT on a shoestring budget.Especially the CompSci dept have the most idiotic IT “professionals” working there.

    Usually it is the Sciences dept like Mech-E or Tech-E or Elec-E who run massive Compute nodes for Rendering Physics or Fluid dynamics or something something research …

    Unfortunately, the Unis that have massive student dorms on-campus tend not to isolate their networks properly and allow students to directly connect to all depts Networks without any barriers. The isolation happens between LAN and Internet which is where most of the controls and filtering happens.

    It would be nice if each dept had their own VPN servers and proper network isolation at the LAN instead of the crazy monkey wiring everything to everything else on-campus.

  • maniii@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldAny ideas?
    28 days ago

    In table-tennis / pingpong,

    Equipment Junkies.

    It is both an insult as well as an addiction/habit.

    Amateur and Pro TT players usually have trained from childhood as early as 3 years old tend to have an almost god-like superior ability to learn and relearn in the sport at any age.

    But most folks get into TT at an older age around their late-20s.

    TT reflexes cannot be gained at the later stages of life. Almost a miracle for an older player to “git gud”.

    Hence, you will find the older players have the income to buy equipment used by the Top-10 players in the world. Hence “Equipment Junkie”.

    The number of permutations and combinations in TT equipment is crazy for such a “simple” looking sport.

    Real problem is when you buy all this expensive stuff and your game gets WORSE not better. You “lend” your equipment to other players and all of them seem to play better than you with your own equipment.

    So you spent a lot of money, and don’t want to let anyone touch your equipment ( because it would be embarrassing for them to become “better” players using your stuff while you wallow in misery of not benefitting from your own purchases ).

    So EJs tend to have a extremely absurd amount of equipment that they have spent exorbitant prices purchasing and do not want to sell it to others ( again for fear their purchase is fuelling other peoples abilities at their own expense ) but they keep buying the next “Top-10” world TT players latest equipment without even understanding the sport.

    It is an endless cycle which continues as more new blood is added to the mix and more EJs end caught up in the craze.

  • A billionaire took the family fortune of billions and reduced it to mere millions over several decades.

    It is astonishing how difficult it is for a billion USD to get spent on luxury items would still remain in the hundreds of millions for decades. A billionaire has to leech off the workers and wages and company and society to amass a billion dollars. It is greed on a different scope and scale.

    Anyone who hits a billion dollars should get instant prison time. A single island in the middle of nowhere with ALL amenities. Jetski, Yatch, Resort, everything EXCEPT coming back into normal society. NO visitors, NO people. Just prison guards and maintenance staff once a month under supervision and then everyone leaves under surveillance.

    And I don’t think we will have to worry about running out of islands … there are more abandoned rocks in the middle of the oceans than there are billionaires on the planet.