Seconding/thirding/whatevering the Logitech G502. I have one and it’s one of the best mice I’ve ever owned and all the functions seem to work fine on Linux.
Seconding/thirding/whatevering the Logitech G502. I have one and it’s one of the best mice I’ve ever owned and all the functions seem to work fine on Linux.
That Linux command line book is really, really good. I love how it actually explains the commands and why to use them instead of just being a copy of each commands help document or something.
Congrats on ditching Windows!
As far as move sets go, you could always base them on things about the animal for animal based mascots. Like an ice slide for Tux, a charge for the GNU mascot, a long distance tongue grab for the KDE mascot, etc.
Also, as far as characters go, you could always include any public domain characters, like Frankenstein’s Monster, Dracula, Steamboat Willie, Winnie the Pooh, etc.
Oh, really? Mine does not have any lights at all.