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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 16th, 2023

  • He’s not wrong. He’s probably saying it for the wrong reasons, but the statement itself is not untrue.

    Democrats can’t actually solve any of the issues they campaign on since the more things they actually solve, the fewer issues they have to make their right-wing, milque toast corporate candidates appear distinct from the GOP.

    Doing things like legislating abortion, reforming healthcare, protecting minority rights, fixing our broken immigration system etc. would mean they then have to start looking into the real fundemental issues like campaign finance reform and repealing Citizens United and stuff.

  • As long as they can’t be sent back to fight. Honestly I don’t ever feel good seeing or hearing about Russian troops being killed for the simple fact that I know many of them are conscripts or people scraped out of the bottom of the economic barrel (prisoners, mentally ill etc.).

    I remember seeing a video of a guy who was so drunk he literally walked over into the Ukrainian trenches thinking they were his own. Luckily he was taken prisoner rather than shot, but they literally had to explain to him where he was.

    I wonder sometimes if some of them haven’t also been some of the young people imprisoned for protesting the war at the start, now used as fodder at gun point. Russia has shown no issue with sending their soldiers on suicide missions to test defense lines etc. A body can have “use” to the war machine, whether it’s willing or not.

    The war is righteous for Ukraine and needs to be fought, but I never feel celebratory about the scale of death.

  • Who said anything about physically taking over the world? Like, yes, obviously China has imperial ambitions to expand their borders (limited only by the wests hegemony and the now undermined and faltering rules-based order) but that’s not the influence I’m talking about. I’m talking about the normalization of anti-democracy and the technologically driven hyper-fascist state. The more power and influence China gets, the more fascism thrives wherever it has roots.

    North Korea also hasn’t been able to bomb a bunch of countries either, that doesn’t mean anyone but an idiot would argue they should be given more influence.

    Just like Russia, there’s no global benefit to the CCP gaining more geopolitical influence, they aren’t going to “moderate” the fascist elements in the west, they’re going to inflame them in the interest of destablizing any kind of democratic norms.

  • Fascism can exist in more than one place.

    And it can take a far more dangerous and intractable form in one place compared to another.

    You are vastly, vastly understating the degree of fascist control in China, you’d have to in order to try and even begin to try and compare the US and China. You may as well try to claim that downloading Russian spyware gives you better info on the US affairs because they’re our adversary as well so they must be a better source of information than anything in the US, it makes no sense.

    China has a pointed interest in deceiving you, they do not have any interest in ensuring you have accurate information about the US and its history, you’re foolish to believe that they would.

    There is no true information about the US on TikTok that is not available to me outside of China’s information ecosystem. Yes, you’re not going to get reliable information from corporate media or far-right outlets, but that has not stopped me from learning about the black spots in American history. In fact I was taught many of those black spots in American schools. Go ask a person in China what actually happened in Tienanmen or in Hong Kong, or Tibet or what is happening to the Uyghurs as we speak.

    Here’s the difference that you are keen to ignore; The US information ecosystem is not a monolith. It’s why I can go and find sources that are reporting accurately about events in Palentine, or the protests on Columbia campuses. It’s why I learned about the Trail of Tears, the Tulsa Massacre, or The Battle of Blair Mountain in school, why I can find that kind of information freely on the Internet. There are many independent media and journalism outlets that, if I practice some basic media literacy, are not difficult to find.

    By contrast, the Chinese information ecosystem is a monolith, by design. It is built so that the state has control over all information and can censor at will. They are far ahead of the US in this regard, and when you carry water for the CCP by equating them to the US, claiming they’re better or “just as bad” you are pushing us further into fascism, not out of it.