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Joined 26 days ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2024


  • FAA Certified drone pilot in the USA here. That’s wild. In the US it’s illegal to shoot down an aircraft of any sort

    That’s even wilder to me, since you have several states where you are allowed to shoot anyone trespassing on your property, but a drone, who can record and video and infringe on your privacy is illegal?!

    That’s like prime capitalism. Human lives are worthless, but don’t damage my property. What?

  • It’s not about the details of care, but the general information on who is transgender and who was providing or was involved in the care.

    With the purpose to “cause malicious harm” as the article says. Which means, they will harass and try to scare involved parties into hiding, leaving or stopping to provide care.

    This Conservative activist already published the information to discredit the children’s hospital, create a scandal on how they are harming children with the goal that the hospital will stop providing care in fear of bad press.

    Their goal is to scare every trans person back deep into the closet (or to leave) and to scare all possible care out of existence, even when legal.

    The basic motive is HATE. Plain and simple. Hate of that what is different and the need to control the people around them to live by their beliefs and moral standards.

  • I feel like this is especially true for English since it seems to me there are no spelling rules that convey pronunciation. You can have 2 words spelled completely the same save from one letter and the pronunciation is nowhere near the same.

    I’m not sure how this is in other languages, but in my native german (which is always said to be difficult to learn) when you understand the spelling rules you can always assume the correct pronunciation of a word. Certain letter combinations always amount to the same way of pronouncing it.

    I guess this is because both languages started out in the germanic language family, but over the course of history english adapted way more from other languages and just made them their own. Including differences in spelling, but maybe not as much pronunciation. Best example is “Bologna”, which is still the italian/latin spelling, but no one near italy would call it “Baloney” .

    I’m always amazed at how native speakers learn to write things like that, since you cant count on what you hear at all.

  • My main argument wasnt about money, but if you stop putting the burden of hild rearing soley on women and share these responsibilities equally they will be more willing to have children. In most cases, more rights for women meant they are paying for the privilige with double the work. Still doing all the work at home and all the work of having children in addition to the job they can now have and gives them a choice.

    Yes of course Birthrate goes up, if you take away women’s agency and give them no choice. Take away the means to control family planing and make being a wife and mother the only survivable option. As it was for women in those centuries.

    You want to live in a world, were women are again slaves and property of the men in the family and forced to be birthing machines and maids to their husbands?