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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Watching this can change the world. It does make me ill.

    The secondhand market should be huge and top of mind. Furniture stores should have 80 percent of the store used goods. Craigslist, etc, is fun but frustrating. I’m not particularly picky or fearful, but person to person is just inefficient.

    Also, people have been sold on needing everything to reflect themselves and their tastes and knowledge, sort of catalog/review envy, I feel it myself. But you know, it’s just a chair or a shelf or a food processor or a jacket or whatever: try to embrace serendipity :) They have pens at goodwill, a bag for $2, and it’s all kinds and brands and it will cover your household needs for years rather than leak and rot into a hole in the ground-- that kind of thing, just consider it as often as you can. Once you have that down you will find you need less stuff because you are not using it to represent yourself, just for it’s actual purpose, and you will find it easier to pass things on as well.

    Just my drunk advice

  • What this article suggests to me is that the big companies went wrong mainly in recruiting, probably by offering good salaries and work life balance to people used to impressing generic authority figures.

    The idea that non-game software doesn’t involve creativity or spit balling or iteration is ridiculous. But from what I’ve seen it does involve a lot more waiting for consensus and thinking too far down the road, which are political activities aimed at being right (as measured by vice presidents) rather than productive activities aimed at getting something done or making something cool (as measured by your own name in credits of a completed work offered to the public).

    I’m not sure why big company engineers don’t just start coding while their bosses are dithering about, but they don’t, and my pop psych guess is that they’ve selected for people who want to know what’s going to be on the exam. As long as the product is never really done and almost never seen or applauded outside the company, this kind of makes sense.

    As some big game studios seem to be moving to legacy products and rolling delivery to more and more captive audience, I wonder if the differences in culture will shrink. Maybe we will always depend on cash-strapped studios of slightly desperate iconoclasts for the big leaps.

  • I agree with you, but I also think this bot was never going to insert itself into any real discussion. The repeated requests for direct, absolute, concise answers that never go into any detail or have any caveats or even suggest that complexity may exist show that it’s purpose is to be a religious catechism for Maga. It’s meant to affirm believers without bothering about support or persuasion.

    Even for someone who doesn’t know about this instruction and believes the robot agrees with them on the basis of its unbiased knowledge, how can this experience be intellectually satisfying, or useful, when the robot is not allowed to display any critical reasoning? It’s just a string of prayer beads.