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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Yeah this doesn’t bother me. And I tend to be a somewhat paranoid person. But I got convinced to do one of these by my partner. And so far, no regrets. They had some family surprises, but they don’t regret it either. If they make some cool new meds with my DNA (honestly even if I have only the knowledge that they made meds from 23andme) I’m just going to go around saying hey that might have my DNA in it.

    Just wait until you guys find out what they’re really doing is cloning us all to replace us with mindless worker drones. I accidentally met mine. They were nice. Bought me a coffee. Then I got real sleepy and woke up half buried in the woods. Real strange day.

  • I mean I was purchasing the expansions and the season pass. And on games that I feel I’ll stick with for a while I even get some cosmetic stuff at times.

    I doubt it is even a matter of them measuring the profit. I imagine that a lot of it is they (and many other gaas games that aren’t pay to win) are trying to be the only game a person plays. To make them feel devoted to it. Like they would have wasted so much of they give up (sunk cost fallacy) and that by switching games they’ll get behind in their main game. Because of they aren’t profitable with a repeatedly paid game and season pass off of a person then they have some real bad management. In fact, me paying for a season pass and the expansions and using the server less should make me more profitable than most players except for the whales that buy all the cosmetics too. Especially when Fortnite and Warframe are f2p and profitable.

  • Honestly if I could play all of the game without having to grind like a fucking mad man, I’d probably regularly buy expansions and pay for a season pass.

    I love the coop. I love the gunplay. I love most of the game except the grind.But I have kids and real life shit to do. I tried getting back into it during witch queen, but the amount of time I had to spend daily on it made it damn near impossible to play the dungeons and stuff. I had a little extra free time when I did that too. By the time I managed to hit the cap, I realized I was not having any fun doing it. So I quit. Had a clan I liked chatting and playing with. It was cool. But I’m just not going to keep paying for and playing a game that just feels like a tedious as fuck job.

  • probablyaCat@kbin.socialtocats@lemmy.worldWHO WOULGE
    8 months ago

    Yeah for those that still don’t understand.

    So there were who would win memes. And then someone made an intentionally dumb one titled “who woulge” with that picture.

    Now OP in the image linked is saying that everytime they feeds their cat now, they can’t help but think of this meme. So it is actually comprehensible unbelievably.

    Side note: fuck Nestle.

  • The Jews are the most despicable and contemptible nation to crawl upon the face of the Earth, because they have displayed hostility to Allah.

    Allah will kill the Jews in the hell of the world to come, just like they killed the believers in the hell of this world.

    -- Atallah Abu Al-Subh, former Hamas minister of culture

    Palestine is Islamic, and not an Islamic emirate, from the river to the sea, that unites the Palestinians. Jews have no right in it, with the exception of those who lived on the land of Palestine before World War I.

    This is Islam, that was ahead of its time with regards to human rights in the treatment of prisoners, but our nation was tested by the cancerous lump, that is the Jews, in the heart of the Arab nation… Be certain that America is on its way to utter destruction, America is wallowing [in blood] today in Iraq and Afghanistan, America is defeated and Israel is defeated, and was defeated in Lebanon and Palestine… Make us victorious over the community of infidels… Allah, take the Jews and their allies, Allah, take the Americans and their allies… Allah, annihilate them completely and do not leave anyone of them.

    --Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Bahar, acting Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council

    By God, we will not leave one Jew in Palestine. We will fight them with all the strength we have. This is our land, not the Jews…

    -- Abdel Aziz Rantisi, Hamas leader

    The Jews: killed the prophets…slaughtered the innocent…imprisoned our pious… NO PEACE WITH THE MURDERERS.

    Let everyone know that Hamas… is only against Jews and those twisted in their manner… it realizes the Jews’ methods in trying to cause hostility and friction between people…

    We should lend punches to the Jews wherever possible [to commemorate Muhammad’s defeat of one of the Jewish tribes of Arabia].

    --Hamas communiqué

  • So all of Israel is a colonial state? What should happen with it and it’s over 9 million people? Of which almost half are middle eastern (I’m only including several generations middle eastern here, obviously we have people that are 3 or 4th generation Israeli, but I am not sure what your threshold is for being considered a native of an area). Then another 2.5 percent are beta Israel. So let’s just say half are middle eastern or African. What should happen with this colonial state?

  • I’ll be honest. Most Americans don’t even realize Roma are a real group of people. They hear gypsy and think crystal balls and magic. The population is much smaller and more integrated in the US than in Europe so many have never met someone from that group. But I mean if you want the honest answer, a person that looks white in America is considered white until a reason is given otherwise. Maybe a name. Maybe a symbol. Maybe they say something. My youngest son can pass for white easily. Asheknazi jews are white by current american standards, but I don’t see white southern baptists churches needing armed security during service. And I’m one generation shy of when Jews weren’t allowed in to certain places.

    Race is weird in America. And Americans are very touchy about it on both sides. I think it’s because it’s built on a house of cards, but so many fundamental things revolve around it. Racial justice on the left. Umm… other things on the right. Like racism is definitely real. I can make it through police checkpoints without getting stopped, while my wife gets stopped every time. But Americans like to pretend there is some true hard standard when it is all a wobbly social construct.

  • It is always interesting seeing a person be so blatantly racist and not realize it.

    Jews have had people there pretty much that entire time. Under the Roman empire, under the Byzantine, under Arabs, under the Ottoman empire, under the British empire.

    You seem to know very little about the region. The way you speak of race is certainly American. Not sure how you think the Polish, much less Polish Jews, were treated in the past, but I can assure you it wasn’t as a white person.

    Further, the Sephardi chief rabbi is middle eastern by any definition (born in Israel, parents born in Iraq). The Ashkenazi chief rabbi is the son of a polish born Holocaust survivor.

    There are at least 3.2 Mizrahi Jews in Israel although recent studies suggest around 44% of the population. That means Jews from Israel or the surround middle eastern areas. Are middle easterners white now?

    Jews might be considered white in America (sometimes). But what is white in America does not apply to the rest of the world. Even Europe doesn’t share the same attitude, I assure you.

    It didn’t start as a European settler project. Europe was in control of the region post WWI so Jews lobbied in Europe and in the US. Many of which were Mizrahi and/or already having lived in mandate Palestine.

    I’m sure you don’t even realize what you’re saying is racist, but it is. If a person with black parent(s) can pass as white, are they also white? Is their a paper bag test for Jews too? What about one drop? Are all Africans black? Do you know what an average person from Yemen looks like? Egypt? Why didn’t Polish and German Jews just be pretend not to be Jewish during the Holocaust since they are white?

    Since the human population shares at least two common areas that all current humans came from, how many generations must a group of people exist in a place to say they are descendants of that place? If a person is a jew by birth through European heritage, but is blacker than Obama, and moves to Israel are they a white European Jew or a black minority? Is Bashar al-assad white? Viktor Orban? Gabriel Boric?

    Please, can you answer those questions?

  • Umm I don’t think they care. They have a monopoly on amateur video hosting and only make money off of it with ads. If you are watching without ads or premium then you are costing them money. They do not care about your outrage. This isn’t reddit where it might have caused a long term permanent degradation to their content, the people posting stuff want you to pay or have ads as well. Users do not act as moderators or content providers (I mean I’m sure most content providers are users as well but they want ad revenue). They have just ignored ad blocking for long enough to get monopolies in their areas (browser, YouTube) and are now getting rid of that problem. I’m honestly amazed at how they took over the browser market. Almost everything is chromium based now. Even email. They may not have a monopoly, but they certainly made themselves the standard.

    Tldr: they aren’t doing it slow for fear of outrage. They did it slow to get a monopoly.

  • Honestly this is an awful situation. But the reason you don’t see more harsh criticisms from world leaders (and there have been criticisms and statements calling some of what they are doing as illegal) is because the world leaders know that they may need to same option if something similar happens to them.

    Do you have a better suggestion for what Israel should do in order to respond. And saying “free Palestine” doesn’t count. They completely left Gaza and it got worse. I can’t stand Bibi, but he absolutely called it when they were planning to leave Gaza. The blockade of Gaza didn’t start until Hamas took over. And do recall Egypt is also blockading.

    If Tijuana started launching rockets and attacked thousands of civilians in California, what do think the response would look like? Or if Morocco did the same to Ceuta?

    I don’t see how this attack ends. I mean it has absolutely destroyed the chance for Gaza reps to be involved in peace talks. Not that there was much chance of that. Honestly, if I had to guess, Israel plans to wipe out all of the higher up Hamas this time in an attempt to bring Gaza back under the PA/Fatah.

    But, given the situation is what it is, how do you think the Israeli government should respond?

  • Have you ever actually read a bit of history on that region beyond the comments on reddit? Like the 3 days war, the Yom kippur war, the peace talks? Seriously? Palestine has had so many opportunities to form their own country. But won’t even start if it requires accepting Israel as an independent state as well.

    Israelis have certainly become more cruel and jaded as the years have gone on. But this isn’t two kids on a playground. This is a stable adult trying to barter with a belligerent drunk cousin who says if he can’t inherit everything then he’ll just burn it all to the ground and take the ashes.

  • Meh. A competitive monopoly has a better outcome than the near monopoly PS4 got when it came to exclusives. Yeah a lot of existing IP will be for one or the other. But for third party studios, they will be much less likely to make exclusive games if the console market is more balanced between the two. Nintendo is kind of in a world of its own. And with the steam deck helping push PC into a base level standard, I think we might see some opening up of high quality third party stuff.