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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • to be honest the GOP lost the chance to be free of Trump when their senators refused to convict him after the Jan 6 impeachment.

    I think they lost their chance when he won in 2016. He has so thoroughly captured their base that ousting him would certainly lose them the next several elections, if they ever could fully recover. That’s not to say it’s not 100% on the GOP, he’s the consequence of decades of pandering to the far-right. I’m convinced they could have gotten rid of him before 2016 as well, but the conservatives thought they could control Hitler again and now he’s got them by the balls.

  • That’s fair, I honestly haven’t used it in a while and forgot the real usage of unsafe code. As I said to another comment, it is a really rough language for game dev as it necessitates very different patterns from other languages. Definitely better to learn game dev itself pretty well first in something like C++, then to learn Rust separately before trying game dev in Rust.

  • The biggest reason is that it’s much harder to write prototype code to test out an idea to see if it’s feasible and feels/looks good enough. I don’t want to be forced to fully plan out my code and deal with borrowing issues before I even have an idea of if this is a good path or not.

    There are options for this with Rust. If you wanted to use pure Rust you could always use unsafe to do prototyping and then come back and refactor if you like it. Alternatively you could write bindings for C/C++ and do prototyping that way.

    Though, I will say that this process gets easier as you gain more experience with Rust memory management.