I really couldn’t care less that they sell consoles that allow you to play like what 30 year old games. I find it very problematic that apparently these devices weren’t compliant to safety regulations in the EU, but otherwise who cares?
I really couldn’t care less that they sell consoles that allow you to play like what 30 year old games. I find it very problematic that apparently these devices weren’t compliant to safety regulations in the EU, but otherwise who cares?
Yeah people are giving us way too much credit on this one, the whole country is going nuts closing our borders just to do something while my daily life is the same now as it was 1,2,5,10 years ago.
MBFC will call anything left to Fox News communist and will hate on anything that isn’t pro-Israel that’s why it gets downvoted.
That being said Israel is a genocidal settler colonial apartheid state and should be abolished just like Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa got.
Absolutely it’s just brain rot in our aging population and Russian psy-ops on TikTok. So tired of reading about this migration BS when I have tons of other problems that no one will fix because they’re busy shitting on refugees.
Israel is a settler colonial apartheid state that got founded through ethnic cleansing and dispossession of the indigenous population and the majority of its non-Palestinian citizens see no problem with that. Israel is disgusting.
There are good Israelis who want to see an end to this 76 years lasting injustice but the very idea of Israel is disgusting to its core.
Da kamen auch viele Kinder, alte Menschen und Frauen, die sich halt dazu entschieden haben, den Haushalt zu schmeißen. Es wird ja nur von Geflüchteten gesprochen, nicht geflüchteten in erwerbsfähigen Alter.
Du kannst gerne überzeugter Sozialdemokrat sein, aber das ändert nichts daran, dass die Anti-Migrationshaltung eine rechte Position ist. Dass diese mittlerweile normalisiert worden ist, bedeutet nicht, dass sie nicht mehr rechts ist, sondern lediglich dass sich unser Overton-Window sehr weit nach rechts verschoben hat.
The day they stop downvoting MBFC bot will be a sad day, keep it coming <3
Let’s not forget though that Jordan is still a dictatorship kingdom so does this even mean anything?
*Fick deine Mutter du elender Hurensohn, Trumpf
To add to that it’s not like there’s any place where they’d be welcome, the state of humanity in 2024 is pretty fucked.
I mean that’s interesting and surely adds to it but I’m pretty certain the main reason is that Israel doesn’t want to get sentenced by a human rights court for committing genocide.
Typical behavior of a bully who thinks they’re above the law.
Lmao everything is Hamas
Imagine an extreme right outlet shitting on you, BILD is on the same level as Breitbart News or something, idk I’m German but they’re the absolute worst
I can do the MBFC for you, BBC is a communist newspaper run by antisemites. I recommend Fox News for a more neutral source
/s obviously
This guy becoming Muslim was just a publicity stunt
Zionists are Nazis. Pain in the ass that these troll accounts keep popping up.
Great, now suspend the rest.
Ja dachte ich mir auch, wenn er dann vor den Leuten stehen würde die er in dem Video beleidigt dann wäre er sicherlich ganz still, er könnte sich ja gar nicht wehren geschweige denn weglaufen. Typischer Incel.
Important detail I guess. In that case I wouldn’t care at all.