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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 2nd, 2024


  • Chimpanzees are likely going to be extinct 2-3 decades from now. Bonobos will be extinct in 4-6 decades. Orangutans will go extinct within 10 to 20 years. Most animals closely related to humans (including most apes & monkeys) are projected to become extinct within a few decades. I do not want to be alive when gorillas go extinct

    This is mostly due to the meat trade (apes and monkeys are often killed for meat which is eaten by locals or traded), being affected by the wars in the Congo/Africa, being kidnapped & sold as exotic pets, and habitat loss from human resource harvesting/logging & development. Humans are effectively displacing, enslaving, slaughtering, and cannibalizing their distant cousins

  • JS or really anything you’d make a web app in (I use Rust with something like Dioxus/Yew/Leptos/Tauri), C#/.NET (I use F# because OO-style languages are ugly and a hot mess, especially C# and Java), Java/JVM (I use Scala whenever I can and Kotlin otherwise), C++ with GTK or Qt. There are a lot of options but obviously anything that’s not C++ or web is gonna give you a lackluster experience (though I have a thing against web apps and will go through a lot of hoops to have my application use a native interface)

  • I can’t imagine most Nvidia employees don’t make enough to become millionaires within like 5-10 years if they aren’t already. Their entry-level software engineering positions have a base pay of $147K and total compensation of $180K. The lowest paying level of senior engineers gets more like $300K… Even the ones who leave before then are highly likely to get a job with comparable pay or benefits considering they have Nvidia on their resumé.

    Now, tens-of-millions-aires, I don’t think most employees get there.

  • Sounds like you’re mixing up AI with AGI and have no idea of what you’re talking about, like 99% of the people on the internet who suddenly act like they’re data science experts. This article is just taking advantage of the fact that people like you don’t know what “AI” means to get clicks by misdirecting you with improperly worded claims. “True AI” doesn’t mean anything.

    Also the term “AI” to describe complex algorithms existed long before the technology was ever in the capitalist market. You literally just completely made that part up. One of the guys that coined it (John McCarthy) was one of the most important computer scientists of all time, who was also a cognitive scientist, he’s the same guy who invented garbage collection and Lisp. One of the other guys to coin the term was Claude Shannon, who is widely considered the father of information theory and laid the foundation for the Information Age. The other people to participate in coining the term include the person who made the first assembler & designed the first mass-produced computer, and the guy who proposed the theory of bounded rationality. The guys who coined AI and founded/established the field were pretty much Turing’s successors, not people looking to “sell you shit”.

  • For at least 1440p 144 fps on high or ultra, depending on your budget, preferably, rx 6950xt, rx 6900xt, rx 6800xt, or less preferably rx 6800; but you’d be able to use the rx 6700xt and rx 6750xt for many games and get the same performance on more demanding newer games if you turn the graphics down a little bit, although I’d recommend them more for 1080p.

    For more expensive options, rtx 4090, rtx 4080 Super, rx 7900xtx, rtx 4070 Ti Super, rx 7090 gre, and rx 7800xt (probably the best value for the price GPU) are your options pretty much.

    I think the 6950xt and 7800xt are the most worthwhile for most people to upgrade to if they’re not looking to spend an absurd amount of money for high-performance cards. But obviously an overpriced 4090 or something is going to be significantly better and more future-proof in any scenario.

  • sparkle@lemm.eetoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlSwitching to OCaml bois
    1 month ago

    I like polymorphism. Having to have a hundred differently named functions or structs or something that do the same thing but slightly differently in Rust is annoying as hell. Especially with all the underscores you have to type… If Rust were more functional though it’d make that problem go away pretty quickly.

  • Surely you must notice that “Modern American Liberalism” and “Liberalism” are two separate terms? “Liberal” can mean MANY things other than American liberalism. It even specifies in the article you’re quoting. You cannot just assume that any and every usage of the term “liberal” is in reference to social liberalism, even in America it’s still used in the common/typical/“original” sense frequently (just not by uninformed voters).

    And AFAIK nobody said anything about liberalism (and American liberalism) and conservativism being equivalent either. “Conservative” is a significantly more broad term than “liberal” and it’s impossible to definitively equate or oppose them, but generally conservativism is opposite to progressivism – seeing how liberalism is usually socially progressive, it isn’t generally a perfect match. But there does exist “conservative liberalism”, which is socially conservative and economically liberal – in theory what American conservatives are supposed to be, but in reality they’re a bit more… fascist.

    Relatively though, American liberals are significantly more conservative than, say, socialists and most leftist ideologies. They still hold many very (especially fiscally) conservative beliefs. There are plenty of American liberals that are in the pockets of big pharma.

    Also calling modern American liberalism “socialism”, even “democratic socialism”, is laughable. Socialism requires abolishing capitalism and having the means of production belong to the workers/public. Democratic socialism is an ideology that believes that socialism can be achieved through peaceful democratic reform rather than violent revolution. Modern American liberalism specifically advocates for a mixed economy with mostly private, but some nationalized, industries, which is very much NOT socialist. It is quite literally, regulated capitalism. It also specifies that in the same article you quoted. You can’t just take any welfare state (or attempt at one) and call it socialism.

    For the most part, “lib” is synonymous with “so-called market capitalist and liberty advocate”, i.e. almost all Americans in politics. A non-American using it to describe American politicians bought out by big pharma makes perfect sense, as most of them also claim to like the free market and (negative) freedom and stuff.

  • “Liberal” isn’t only a word used for modern US/Canadian progressives. “Liberal” is used to mean someone who believes in “free-market” capitalism, free trade, private ownership of the means of production and anti-nationalizationism, anti-protectionism/anti-regulationism, and individualism/anti-collectivism. It’s pretty much synonymous with right-wing “libertarian” ideologies, including neoliberalism, classical liberalism, and "anarcho"capitalism. This is what the word has always referred to normally, and is by far the most common usage in most of the world, and it’s still used this way in the US – mainly in economic, philisophical, or “fundamental rights” contexts though.

    Liberalism is pretty much the antithesis of socialism, in a purely left-versus-right sense at least. The American ideology is often considered “social liberalism” or even “modern American liberalism”, which still holds beliefs of individualism and capitalism, but differs from liberalism in that it pushes for a regulated mixed economy, as well as the government contributing to fulfilling social needs like healthcare, education, and infrastructure. It also is defined by focusing on social justice/civil rights, as opposed to traditional liberalism (which is opposed to social justice and civil rights, believing people in a “free market” will decide to do the right thing). It ranges from being a centrist ideology to being a left-leaning right-wing ideology, so when the only opposition is basically dormant fascism, it is the “left” ideology. In a full political view though, it isn’t leftism.

    The American misappropriation of the term came from a time when the word “progressive” was starting to be seen as “radical” (and therefore negative). Progressives started using “liberal” instead, and it became a way to say “I only want some government intervention in the economy and social issues, but not a radical amount”. When New Deal politicians like FDR popularized it, it kind of became cemented in American political discourse as meaning that.

  • Definitely not a third. A $500USD Xbox Series X or PS5 has about the same performance as a ~600-650 PC in the current market maybe. They sell at a small loss (or used to), because they intend to get significantly more back from you via subscription payments. Most people want to actually be able to play games they paid for online or use basic online services, so after like 5 years you’ve already spent another 300 (xbox) to 500 (playstation) assuming you buy the cheapest option annually.

    On console you also have significantly less choice for peripherals and pay more for games, a lot of extra money spent for most people. With PC you can spend way less to get the functionality you need.

    Plus if you like pirating, you can consider that a few hundred dollars in savings on games… considering you don’t pay for them and all.

  • sparkle@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldManipulation
    2 months ago

    this is a stupid take especially considering that “tame” usually literally just means domesticated

    1. Not or no longer wild; domesticated

    adjective: 1. (of an animal) not dangerous or frightened of people; domesticated.

    verb: domesticate (an animal).

    reduced from a state of native wildness especially so as to be tractable and useful to humans : DOMESTICATED

    in fact the first definition for “tame” in every dictionary i’ve looked up just has the word “domesticated” as the meaning for tame. “domesticate” and “tame” are also indirectly cognates, they both ultimately derive from PIE *dem(h₂), just “domesticate” is Latinate and “tame” is Germanic, but that’s more of a fun fact than a relevant indicator of meaning.

    we selectively bred cats to fit our wants/needs, they live in our house and pester us to support their lifestyle, what about that isn’t domestication