I think they mean on mobile as opposed to PC. I can’t find any option besides the dashboard-style homepage offered by default. I can customize it, but I can’t make it a specific URL.
I think they mean on mobile as opposed to PC. I can’t find any option besides the dashboard-style homepage offered by default. I can customize it, but I can’t make it a specific URL.
I’ve never been interested in RDR2 because I’m not into the western aesthetic, but I am absolutely into the aesthetic of being a time traveler or alien or wizard using my powers to help farmers and explode bad guys in an otherwise western setting. If I had any money, I would pay someone to make this.
I’ve never been good at reading stuff like this, so it’s more than plausible I’m just missing it, but I can’t find where the resolution would give anyone the legal power or moral authority to invade another state.
Seems to be working just as well as regular voting.