Perhaps,.there are still goths out there
Perhaps,.there are still goths out there
Non binary is a fad that we will not hear about in 15 years
I’m not a republican.
Not their identity, their sex.
They are intersex. That’s a complicated biological situation unique to the individual. I suppose ideally we would change all bathrooms to accommodate 1.7% of the population? If so, I can propose some larger groups who may want representation in public facilities
Trust me, I am no neoliberal. While I detest labels that require adherence to dogma, if you were to describe my politics, probably English liberal would do.
Systems being imperfect is no reason to dismiss them. Pursuit of perfection is toxic imo. Good enough should be the standard imo. Surly they only options can’t be a) shitty means testing b) needless state benefit to the wealthy. We must be able to come up with something better
Btw, reading our conversation back, I appreciate your tone and lack of condensation and insults
That was quite a far ranging number of issues. So,
Education, food, housing and healthcare are all different issues.
None of which can ever be a “right” imo. I don’t think an exhaustible resource can ever be a right, what happens when it runs out (i could tell you about how my father in law died during COVID. Healthcare definitely ran out then).
housing is definitely not the business of the state in most cases, other than opting to be a moral landlord (as is the case with UK council houses). We should definitely have safety nets, and the housing market should be policed to be fair, but it’s not the states job to pay for my house, I’ve got that covered.
I believe healthcare free at the point of need is the gold standard. But if I had to pay for GP appointments, that would be fine. Those who can’t afford it should get it fee. Our prescriptions never cost more than £7.50, which is actually amazing. We could run that number on a curve, if I had to pay 15, that would be fine. Whatever the system is, it has to work and the NHS is really struggling at the moment.
free sub degree education for all is a no brainer for the whole country. If you want to do a degree is some obscure philosophy that won’t benefit society, feel free, but pay yourself. Getting a degree that provides skills the country needs, a system of grants is a good idea imo.
And, as you know, food for those in need, sure. I don’t want to see people destitute and hungry, but giving that food to millionaires is crazy in principle. Even if it worked out cost effective to do so (which I would be open to examining) I have a fundamental objection to that in principle.
Perhaps. But what if it worked out vastly cheaper to target free lunches. Let’s say a billion was freed up for some important social program to help poor people. Would you agree with me if that were the case?
I’m fine with that. Ask women.
I’m in the UK. We have the NHS. I am a supporter of it (used it twice last week).
I think focusing on the lowest common denominator always is not the best.
Tell you what, here is my system. Free lunches for all, but I you have to apply, that’s it. I will but apply because it’s not needed.
I think presuming the state should step in and overrule parents on the assumption that they will be bad actors is awful and not a what the state is for.
Ok, so we disagree on the point of taking money from poor people and giving it to rich people, which I find odd. It’s based on need. Using state resources to proved services for which there is no need is wasteful
My children don’t need your resources when it comes to their daily needs. Yes, I am in favour of socialized healthcare (and schools, police, etc), why even bring that up?
If you are in favour of free healthcare, let’s give everyone free cars?
Couldn’t disagree more. I provide for my kids. Kids dot have cars, but I drive mine around in my car because they are my kids.
Free Ubers for all children?
I do not want to see poor people working to provide free services for rich people.
I am astounded that is a controversial take.
And I am speaking as a functionally rich person.
This is where you and I will disagree. I don’t want poor people paying for shit I can get myself without issue. That seems very unfair.
Save that money for a useful social program that helps poorer people
Go crazy
As long as you are an identity obsessed leftist
You don’t get to decide whose opinion are valid, regardless of your identity characteristics
That’s what I’m saying.
Or do you mean rich peoples kids go to schools that provide lunches because the schools are expensive? If that is the case, that’s wrong. Half my kids friends families live in over £1million houses, but get free lunches at a state school
How about we socialise the stigma out. Teach kids not to bully
Should I be campaigning for anything?