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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2023


  • Ok, can someone please explain the bread to me? I sometimes go to Austria on holiday and every time there’s this bread on t.v. floating in space or doing other silly boring stuff. This goes on all throughout the night. I can turn on the t.v. at 4 a.m. and the bread will be there…

  • Not condoning what he did in any way, shape or form, but Dutch TV adds a little more nuance not covered in foreign press:

    It was explained that this happened in the UK when he was 19, and the girl was 12. The sex was consentual, but in the UK sex with a minor is always considered rape, because a 12-year old is never considered mature enough to consent to sex. He served his sentence partly in the UK, then was transferred to the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, consentual sex between a minor and an adult is “fornication” and illegal as well, but the punishment is less than for rape. He is now 30, and has a family. In the interview he says he is a different person than the teenager he was 11 years ago. A grown-up with a family instead of a teenager. The thing that bothered him more than being booed (he says he blocked it out at some point) was that at one point people went to attacking his volleyball partner and his wife and child.

    I can’t find the full interview online, but here is an excerpt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXyNaldd0qg

  • Regarding location for the purpose of determining what language to render the app or website in: the article skips over the fact that users can configure their preferred and fallback languages in the browser. It’s perfectly possible to access that in JavaScript and render the app or website accordingly. You don’t need location information for that. In fact, it totally ignores the fact that some people live (or are visiting) in a region but don’t necessarily speak the language. I find it super annoying when google presents me with suggestions or ads for local businesses when I’m on vacation.

  • Anything that needs to be configured with YAML, and Kubernetes in particular.

    I mean I get the whole Infrastructure as Code hype (although I have never witnessed or heard of a situation where an entire cluster needed to be revived from scratch), but it should be very possible to make a gui that writes the YAML for you.

    I don’t want to memorize every possible setting and what it does and if someone makes a typo in the config (or in the white space, as it’s YAML) everything is borked.

    Call me old-fashioned but the graphical ui of something like octopus deploy was a thousand times more user friendly imho.

  • I like human competition. I have my doubts about human team mates, because some of them are total noobs. I can barely tolerate class based teams, and I hate playing medic with a passion, because no one appreciates the medic.

    Where I personally draw the line is effing building shit in FPS games…Who the hell ever thought that up? I’m running around shooting people, I don’t want to erect a freaking shed with a staircase in the middle of nowhere so I can freak out and hide in it like a scared rat.

    Oh and skins and outfits. Nothing gives me more pleasure than constantly killing off every player with the fanciest outfit using the oldest, most default skin in the game. I’m sure you think you look super fancy in your banana suit with sunglasses that were undoubtedly bought by your freaking mom, now eat my rocket and die.

  • Well, that is currently changing as Ukraine is now able to target military targets inside Russia, disabling their supply lines. Ukraine has been restricted to use the supplied weapons systems they got. They should be able to use the full force of these weapons and drive the Russians out. NATO is being way too restrictive with an invading county bordering on our territory. Russia has shown they are not to be trusted. We should supply Ukraine with a few tactical nukes, for defense, and see what happens when the kid that’s been bullied suddenly also has the same big guns.