I run it locally on a 4080, how do they capture my keystrokes?
I run it locally on a 4080, how do they capture my keystrokes?
You can’t request media?
I’m still on an ender 3
I actively used to distro-hop multiple times a day, I would have my steam library on an external hard disk and I was like “I’ll use arch in the morning and Gentoo later”
This is braindead, are they gonna require background checks for the hardware store next?
Yea but it drains my battery
Mods are sad people
Now I’m gonna start playing rivals just because of this, kudos to them
NixOS is really good
Why not caddy?
P nice, might switch to it over from OBS replay
You could get ESPCAM and program them yourself
“Apple doesnt spy on people”
Maybe leave a link
Isn’t the record 600km/h?
Its a communist party trying to achieve communism while being in socialism
Stateless, moneyless society, if it has money or a state then its not communist, its socialist, big difference
It has a government? Then it’s not communist
Idk why you would not want to work less, in better conditions and get paid more, because that’s how it is for the average worker
Better for my data to be in China than in the US