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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • The cheap Chinese stuff often uses knock-off ICs tho.
    They can be fairly difficult to detect, and will work for a short time or under very light loads. But they will be nowhere near the spec of the data sheets.
    They might massively overheat, not provide the correct currents or voltages, run at lower speeds. All sorts of corners being cut to turn a $2 IC into a 50¢ IC. Or a 50¢ ic into a 5¢ one

    So yeh, might be the same PCB layout inside, it might visually look the same (or very very close) but the parts are likely to be counterfeit.

    Of course, it’s also probable that name brands might be hit with counterfeit parts inside as well. Hopefully their QA picks that up

  • VMix popularity exploded during the pandemic. A lot of conferences became a blend of teams/zoom/Google and VMix.

    Might be hardware based like a multi-m/e video mixer (blackmagic make cheap ones), or maybe more of a screen manager (like barco e2, analog way livecore). But, unless there are production requirements, vmix is much more likely. It’s (now) proven, and much cheaper!

    OBS can absolutely do it. There are other open source softwares that can do it.
    I’ve seen people bastardise Resolume into something that looks decent.
    There are some online studio systems so everything you do is virtualized. Streamyard used to be like this, till it was bought by hopin (I think it was hopin)

  • You can do reverse proxy on the VPS and use SNI routing (because the requested domain is in clear text over HTTPS), then use Proxy Protocol to attach the real source IP to the TCP packets.
    This way, you don’t have to terminate HTTPS on the VPS, and you can load balance between a couple wireguard peers so you have redundancy (or direct them to different reverse proxies or whatever).
    On your home servers, you will need an additional frontend(s) that accepts Proxy Protocol from the VPS (as Proxy Protocol packets aren’t standard HTTP/S packets, so standard HTTPS reverse proxies will drop them as unknown/broken/etc).
    This way, your home reverse proxy knows the original IP and can attach it to the decrypted http requests as x-forward-for. Or you can do ACLs based on original client IP. Or whatever.

    I haven’t found a way to get a firewall that pays attention to Proxy Protocol TCP headers, but I haven’t found that to really be an issue. I don’t really have a use case

  • Starting with a pool of all users who use alternative DNS for any reason, users of pirate sites – especially sites broadcasting the matches in question – were isolated from the rest. Users of both VPNs and third-party DNS were further excluded from the group since DNS blocking is ineffective against VPNs.

    Proust found that the number of users likely to be affected by DNS blocking at Google, Cloudflare, and Cisco, amounts to 0.084% of the total population of French Internet users. Citing a recent survey, which found that only 2% of those who face blocks simply give up and don’t find other means of circumvention, he reached an interesting conclusion.

    “2% of 0.084% is 0.00168% of Internet users! In absolute terms, that would represent a small group of around 800 people across France!”

    I wonder how much the court case cost, and if those costs are in anyway likely to be recouped even if all 800 of those convert to a subscription.

  • I had a huge rant about this, but ditched it.

    Steve is the actual politician, but will vote according to crowd sourced opinions on the topics.
    And that’s where AI Steve comes in. AI Steve helps generate policy ideas, and they are voted on by the approved community members. Parliamentary topics are also voted on by approved community members.
    So AI Steve is the lube, but it’s essentially direct democracy for the approved community members.

    So, very cool idea (the direct democracy).
    No idea if it would work on a wider/country scale.
    Of course it’s a Tory doing it.
    Pretty sure this could be done just with an online voting/polling platform and 1 or 2 people doing data entry/gathering.

    However, the “better than the past few PMs” is a dangerous rhetoric. Cause all it needs is also a “both sides the same, labour is Tory lite, etc”, and suddenly a bunch of voters will vote disruptively and we get Brexit 2.0 (whatever that might be).
    Voting disruptively is absolutely fine, but I’m fairly sure it’s the easiest method for foreign influences to meddle in elections

  • Yeh, immutable distros… You can install software, it’s just you have to declaratively define what software you want, then apply that as a patch.
    You don’t just apt install cowsay, you have to create a file that defines the installation of cowsay.
    This way, if you have to change how cowsay is installed, you tweak that patch file and reapply it.
    If you have to wipe & reinstall (or get a new computer or whatever) you just apply all your patches, and the system is the same again.

  • I was kinda hoping the UK was past exploiting the ill-informed, idiots and reckless. Especially after the wild wild success of Brexit.

    But no, apparently not.
    Exploit the AI hype that a lot of people probably don’t understand.
    Somehow argue that a computer is more human than a human.
    Put this absolute garbage of a solution on the ballet, and watch everyone go “well, politicians aren’t working, let’s try breaking the system” and vote for some untested hallucinating predictive text algorithm to lead a country, while employing twice as many staff to fix/feed/spin/manipulate/fake the results of the AI.