Ist schon etwas her aber hat auch seine Schwachstellen, die ich ähnlich wie diese unter Windows bewerten würde.
download some unknown exe or sideload some dll with admin rights sound like good idea.
agree. you mention debian and arch. I have also tried both of them. the problem with arch (rolling distribution) is that you are forever updating and you never know what exactly has changed in the system and you have to look. You can still have so much experience and solve problems, but they always cost time. all this from a daily user perspective is crap.
from a security point of view, new software can contain security loopholes just like old software. i’d rather have a stable base where i can easily keep an eye on changes than daily updates.
Debian support it too. The kernel is secure boot ready and it’s very easy to sign nvidia kernel module with the default shipped key via mok.
100% because i have javascript disabled.
This is a very nice guide with encryption support where you can learn a lot: . Please note i’m not the author.
An own launcher does not fit at all to what is reported about Larian. Steam has monopoly position and that will probably not change so quickly. Another launcher will only annoy the users. I personally avoid even games that need an extra launcher on steam like from Ubisoft or EA.
The only thing I could complain about is that I am still downloading. Due to the games size of over 100GB and no preload, the launch player numbers are very falsified think it will be much more. As I say I am still downloading.
I am not the creator of the video but amazed what it all makes it into the stable branch.