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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024

  • Similar here in the UK. Its like, yeah, even if the model you’re proposing was better (it isnt), you can tell for a fact that its for the benefit of the wealthy and at the expense of the 99%, simply by whos saying it.

    I mean, its like taking parental advice from a convicted paedophile. In the same way, why would anyone take advice on socialised medicine from someone you know is trying to fuck your socialised healthcare system.

  • Thankfully, now we have a system where owners of intangible assets are deemed superior by their inheritance (birthright) and economists gaslight the people who actually work for their money, calling them lazy and not productive enough instead. Its a TOTALLY different thing, we promise.

    Humanity found out about gods tragic accident in 1882. So, instead of God, they now worship work and the rich.

    Take that God! That’ll teach them to be dead on us.

  • I don’t remember saying it required lobbyists or that anything I said required it to be true but I can see why you had to stoop to pretending that I did. I would’ve struggled too.

    WE can have it without them, as can be seen by the fact that we can’t have capitalism without them. Maybe capitalism could hypothetically exist without them but not on this planet or with us as the species using it.

    Can you show an example of a democracy that hasn’t been utterly polluted by capitalism?

    Also, love the copy paste, as if it proved anything here. Link your source or its just random BS you stuck > in front of. Also, also “actually, wealthy interests disenfranchising you of your vote and your democracy of validity is a good thing…” too funny.

  • 100%. Unfortunately, somewhere down the line, American style neoclassical economics because simply “economics” or even worse “just basic economics.” Suddenly tax breaks for the rich became the all curing treatment for any economic ailment.

    Too much money to spend on healthcare? Tax cuts for the rich.

    Too little money to spend on healthcare? Also tax cuts for the rich.

    In terms of fixing every problem even, I’m yet to hear what it can’t do.

    My favourite was when you had every economically illiterate stock bro in existence claiming along the lines of “no, I’ve glanced at a couple of margin calculations i made for 2 companies, at one point in the supply chain, and, as such, I know price gouging couldn’t possibly have happened.” They dont know enough about inventory keeping to explain to them that they can’t tell either way, bless them.