I know we already got another thread about this topic, but I wanted to highlight the stance of home assistant for this topic.
I really don’t see how you can argue with this post. Well, I can, but I really don’t want to think about it.
This always annoys me. How can a device you have purchased outright with certain functionality, have the terms of service changed after the point of purchase which then changes that usage of the device.
This seems like you could return for refund as the device is NOW not what you originally purchased.
Where does this end? We buy a car then 5yrs later they change the terms of service and if you don’t agree you don’t get the right to have tires on your car.
Until something is legislated, this will continue to the end-user’s detriment.
I bought some Philips Hue bulbs In something like 2015 which have worked mostly fine ever since, but the control surface has become more and more intrusive over the years. I’m now relegating the bulbs to dumb use until they finally die.
Why does your lightbulb need to connect to the internet at all? Automation does not require the cloud.
Just get a zigbee usb stick and ditch the hue bridge.
Yep! With zigbee2mqtt you even get bulb firmware updates too 😎
Could you tell me more, because I don’t know anything about this and would like to?
Capitalism is so exhausting. Can’t they just make a lighbulb that changes colour and leave it at that?
you could buy that - but you decided on philips cloud crap instead?
I guess I could keep buying them and sticking them on my zigbee network, but I should probably get off the Hue train before things get worse. The issue is that they’re just amazing bulbs and I can’t find a competitor with similar light and color tuning. Are there any comparable options yet?
Nanoleaf bulbs are great and their Essentials line work offline without an account.
I wouldn’t say they’re great; they’re adequate. There’s a lot of issues with the bulb firmware that still needs ironing out both with stability and feature set.
What features are you missing?
Basic features like turning a bulb on with a set brightness or color (if you’re lucky, you can turn on with a set brightness). No support for scenes (due to matter spec) which can lead to issues sending commands to light groups. And if you want to actually update bulbs good luck because it’s buggy as hell.