• TommySoda@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Fortnite didn’t become a mega popular cash factory for Epic Games because of micro transactions. It became a mega popular cash factory for Epic Games because, regardless of your opinion of the game, they made a game that people actually want to play beneath the micro transactions. These companies make hollow games riddled with egregious micro transactions because they took the wrong lesson from the games that made it huge. Big games like Fortnite, Apex Legends, Overwatch, and Valorant are pretty decent games that have micro transactions while so many games coming out are just micro transactions with a game attached to it. You can’t get away with exploiting people’s impulsivity if you don’t put in the effort to tie the carrot to the end of the stick. You’re just slapping a stick to people’s heads expecting them to chase it. It’s why, even though I will never give Blizzard another dollar for as long as I live, I still play Overwatch with the boys when the mood strikes.