“We will institute the powerful death penalty for drug dealers, where each dealer is responsible for the death, during their lives, of 500 people or more,” he said.

"Mothers will never again be forced to watch their children overdosing in hosp … and we will never allow mothers to watch their child hopelessly dying in their arms screaming, ‘What can I do, what can I do? Help me God, what can I do?’ We are a nation whose once revered airports are a dirty, crowded mess,” Trump continued, pivoting suddenly.

“You sit and wait for hours and then are notified that the plane won’t leave, that they have no idea when they will. Where ticket prices have tripled. They don’t have the pilots to fly the planes, they don’t seek qualified air traffic controllers, and they just don’t know what the hell they are doing.”

“We will take over the horribly run capital of our nation in Washington, D.C., and clean it up, renovate it, and rebuild our capital city, so that it is no longer a nightmare of murder and crime. But rather it will become the most beautiful capital anywhere in the world,” Trump said.

“Right now, if you leave Florida, ‘Oh, let’s go, darling, let’s look at the Jefferson Memorial, let’s look at the Washington Monument, let’s go and look at some of the beautiful scenes,’ and you end up getting shot, mugged, raped,” he warned, promising that he’d run the city “tough and smart.”

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  • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    no republican cares if Trump is mentally fit to be president

    This issue, in this case, isn’t mental fitness. Trump’s comments are right in line with what he was saying four, eight, and forty years ago.

    He loves the idea of lynchings as a tool of criminal justice enforcement, particularly when the lynchings target the political underclass. He loves the idea of accusing entire populations of violent criminality, particularly when those communities don’t support his political goals. And he loves the spectacle of it all - the pomp and circumstance of the courts leveraged against his opponents, the “beautification” of a gentrified neighborhood, and the fixation on tourism as an end goal of any socio-economic renovation.

    Republicans eat this shit up now, just like when they ate up Michael Bloomberg’s Disneyfication of downtown New York or the massive tourist traps that Nevada and Arizona and Florida has been turned into. Conservatives dream of living their lives in one big resort community, Donald Trump knows it, and this is his promise to do to DC what was done to so many other Reagan-Era cities and states.

    To say he’s mentally unfit would imply he wasn’t vibing right along with the tens of millions of white nationalist suburbanites who think the whole country should be a country club that pampers them 24/7.