• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    12 hours ago

    Chase wants to completely get rid of all tariffs, so, I mean, some of his policies aren’t the greatest

    He makes a compelling argument against tariffs as public policy. But he’s still a business-first libertarian, which means his views on environmental regulation and labor rights and various federal public services also suck.

    Guns? Great. Drugs? Great. Crime and punishment? Great.

    Eh. I wish his immigration policy was as laisse-faire as his guns and drugs policy.

    But most of his power and economics policies would completely dog-fuck the US economy

    Our economy was dog-fucked ages ago, when we deindustrialized the midwest and plowed endless subsidies into FIRE and Tech sectors. Now we’ve got a bunch of computers churning out trillion dollar digital nothings, while investment cash flows like a waterfall into finance, insurance, and real estate, but our actual industrial capacity remains in a vestigial state.

    We can’t even make enough new silicon chips to feed our antiquated ICE engine automotive industry.

    I don’t think Oliver really has a path out of that mess, but its hardly his fault we got here.

  • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    12 hours ago

    It sucks, and is something we absolutely need to fix in the future…

    But we’re literally picking the new head of the HR department. And every head of HR before this person was picked this way, because of the policies set by that HR department. Like, the only way you could change this rule would be for 37 of our 50 departments to come together and agree to change the rules as part of a company wide convention. And all of them run their HR systems the same way, so that doesn’t look too likely.

  • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    12 hours ago

    Joe Biden is either the singularly greatest president to have ever lived and our only hope for the future or the worst president in history, a total disaster, possibly the entire reason everything bad has ever happened.

    I haven’t decided who I’m voting for yet, so I can’t tell which.

  • I can envision this being like Shark Tank, but with the added benefit of educating uninformed minds as to why these people are idiots.

    The gimmick only really works from season to season if you occasionally allow one of these freaks to win.

    Also sets up this ridiculous standard of “debate”, wherein arguing over a thing is considered more important than actually understanding a thing. Episode after episode of people making increasingly fanciful claims and fraudulent proofs will simply reinforce the idea that the Earth is, in fact, flat. If you have a parade of people asserting with supreme confidence that this theory is true, you create the impression that there is some serious doubt about the shape of the planet.

  • The CCP are actively engaging in genocide

    It always gets me to see how Americans treated Afghanistan for 23 years, only to find religion when they see China doing the same Radical Islamic Extremism crack downs the Ted Cruz masterbates to in the middle of the night.

    Literally right on the other side of the border! Practically the same dudes. And we outright applauded China for helping us with the genocide under Bush, when we were applauding Russia for the same shit in Chechnya no less.

    But now we’re out of there, and in between kicking off massive famines and looting their Treasury, we’ve decided to care about Uyghurs now.

    But it is still night and day in terms of horror.

    More black and white.

    It’s not called The China Man’s Burden, ffs. Who do they even think they are?

    Anyway, back to explaining to Houthis why we don’t have health care by blowing up another elementary school in Yemen.