Radio Free Europe?
I’m just not going to comment and let everyone laugh at your source.
Radio Free Europe?
I’m just not going to comment and let everyone laugh at your source.
It must’ve been that they were so active I got the impression there were more back then.
Also that there is an unhealthy amount of them in our time.
But thanks for correcting me.
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LOL the western propaganda press suddenly quit reporting about that ‘Russian influence’ lie when it was proven it was the Romanian liberals who did it.
You should keep up with the lies you parrot.
Most of the Baltics and especially ukraine had large percentages of nazis.
Nothing has changed.
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Wow, you’re doing some serious revisionism here.
A non-aggression treaty literally is that, they were enemies and it bought time for Russia to arm itself.
Keep focussing and obsessing on that and misrepresenting it to fit your narrative.
It’s a small detail in the big picture and mostly brought up by the those idiots promoting the laughable horseshoe theory.
Same as how they say nazis were socialist bcs of their name.
In no way could those clear enemies be seen as ‘aligned’ and definitely not from something you imagine and want to see in that pact.
It is the Soviets who went to war with the nazis of Germany and of your fascist country that was most certainly aligned with them, had nazi troops there and fought on their side.
I’m done here
banning you now loser troll
As I said ‘spheres of influence and still having the option of having an independent state in Poland’ sounds a lot less bad than simply handing over Sudetenland.
Complaining about only one and ignoring the worse other one is hypocritical at best.
And imagine blaming the Soviets for going in to countries aligned with nazis.
Like Finland, where you’re probably are from and explains your bias.
you seemingly hadn’t heard of the pact
I’ve been to school and it’s invariably mentioned to make the BS claims you make.
And I probably know better than you how Wikipedia works.
NONE of the references show what they claim.
The original texts talk about ‘spheres of influence’ in the tiny Baltics andthe rest is only about Poland.
It even says:
" The question of whether the interests of both parties make desirable the maintenance of an
independent Polish States and how such a state should be bounded can only be definitely
determined in the course of further political developments."
That hardly sounds like ‘dividing Europe between them’.
I could call that a deliberate misinterpretation.
If you want countries making deals with the nazis that literally say they can annex them even look to the Brits and France.
“Czechoslovakia must surrender its border regions and and defenses to Nazi Germany” is more like it.
Funny how they never mention that or the dozen of other pacts with nazis, all of them before the Soviets.
You have such great unbiased US regime sources.
I have shocking news, many presidents and governmet officials, press or whatever have been at a table with Putin.
So LOL at “She has direct ties to Putin” -
Is that like the Trump Russian asset conspiracy based on nothing?
Every time it’s americans on here claiming BS they can’t prove.
Try harder.
They fully deserved to be invaded by the Soviets.
They had a fascist regime indeed. Don’t go crying about the consequences of their own actions.
And you only believe in democracy when it turns out how you want?
Looks like fake democracy to me if they let them participate and then ban them AFTER they win.
It’s exactly what the US did when they held ‘democratic elections’ in Afghanistan.
The Taliban won despite all their meddling after which they annuled it and had to do it over again without them.
What will happen in other countries, let’s say if the horrible AfD win in Germany, are they going to ban them then?
Either you ban them before or honor the results.
But that would break the illusion of having a real democracy.
It’s clear only centrist results in the narrow overton window are tolerated.
And you think it was better for Georgia when they basically got a French president puppet or that corrupt one who had to flee to fascist ukraine where he had to flee again for doing the same?
They literally started a war with Russia.
And somehow the west doesn’t mind extreme right when they are against Russia.
They fully suported them in ukraine, turned out great for them didn’t it?
I was specifically talking about dbzer0 of which Viking_Hippie is a member.
If I go there I can not post or even comment.
Quit embarrassing yourself, go away
Jeez, what a load of garbage
LOL Maybe you should learn that Wikipedia is not a source and proven to be extremely biased and manipulated.
You don’t even know that.
And even that Wiki page doesn’t cite sources, something you need if you don’t want to be seen as just making shit up, which you clearly are.
You claim it’s in that pact, then go to the absolute source and show me where it is.
LOL are you really claiming it wouldn’t matter where you place nukes?
So the US was just being silly then when Russia wanted to put them in Cuba as retaliation for them putting them in Turkey?
Yawn, this again.
As I thought, pulled from your ass and the same cheap tricks they try to claim with this pact.
A non-aggression treaty is not “split Europe between them”
Wait I’ll return the favor:
Here is the deal between the nazis and their friends from England to split Europe between them.
While it’s true both sides would use propaganda it looks like you’re turning around the facts.
It’s NATO that despite their promise has moved further east since the german reunification and are now right on the Russian border.
It’s Russia that should and do feel threathened.
The angst you feel is a result of more red scare/the Russians are coming propaganda.
If anything you should be scared of ‘our’ side risking war.
It’s about more than “very problematic Ukranian language laws”, they literally sent nazis to ethnic cleanse them and they burnt protesters alive in Odessa for protesting. and no that wasn’t before the Maidan coup.
Here are some western reports from before the 2022 war when they didn’t get too much attention in the press and before they started to claim Russia attacked ‘unprovoked’ and there certainly weren’t any fascists in Ukraine.
https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2019/07/16/ukrainian-far-right-extremists-receive-state-funds-to-teach-patriotism/ https://apimagesblog.com/blog/2018/11/12/training-kids-to-kill-at-ukrainian-nationalist-camp
Anyone who paid attention from 2014 or before would know what happened.
It’s very clear and despite being from the west with all its biased news I still know there is one clear guilty side.
I never said I was a fan of Orban or Putin, I’m not. Both are the enemy of my enemy and the lesser evil.
And some countries joined NATO out of free will, plenty others had their regime changed or couped, like ukraine.
And the eastern European vasals ‘under the thumb of capitalism’ as you say are nothing more than pawns to be used for the US regime. Didn’t end well for ukraine did it?
Maybe I’ll quote another Hungarian, George Soros in (1993):
Sound familiar? NATO getting them to fight, selling them the ‘military potential’ while the eastrn Europeans fill the body bags?
Who wants to be thrown to the lions next for the US games?