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Cake day: November 5th, 2023


  • The nearest bakery is almost a 30 minute walk. To live closer I’d need to triple my income to afford a home.

    Yes, I live far from the office (which is at a hospital) but I’m technically a work from home position because they give me a laptop and phone and I’m only required to come in every couple months. I work with hospice patients in their homes, so I have to drive to their houses with a trunk full of supplies that can’t be reasonably packed into a single bag for other types of alternative travel. Plus, living in a Chicago suburb means going to work in sub zero to single digit weather, sometimes severe storms, and life stressing heat. A car and travel is mandatory for my job.

    It would be beautiful if I could access a bakery and be out in 5 minutes, but it’s not an option. So I live the apparent tragedy of less than ideal sandwiches lol .

  • So get up early, drive to the store, purchase a days worth of bread, drive home, drop it off, drive 45 minutes to an hour to work, work 8 hours, drive another 45-an hour home, and make sure to poll the family to see who wants bread for the next day because we’ll be out again and I don’t want to wake them up at 5:30 am to ask.

    What a completely rational solution that doesn’t waste time or gas at all!!!

    OR -hear me out- be ok with less than perfect bread.

    Gonna have to think this one over.

  • Good (fresh) bread only lasts a day or two around my house, because it’s amazing and delicious and everyone just eats it.

    Average commercial everyday bread is going to sit around longer because it’s waiting on someone to feel like making a sandwich, or feel like having toast. It’s basically a pantry staple hanging out, waiting to get used. The fridge is fine for that.

    EDIT I see your edit - I think culture/lifestyle is also playing a fair part here as well. I’ve spent most of my life living in a rural area where nothing is walkable, so trips to the grocery store were once a week. If I lived in a place I could just walk down the street to a bakery and grab a fresh loaf, that would be different. But just because I don’t live in a walkable place doesn’t mean I’ve never had good bread.

  • I read up on it a few years back. Long story short, the number of “T-bone” type accidents where the side of the car gets hit decreased, while the number of people getting rear ended significantly increased (allowing that some rear end collisions also go unreported due to lower degrees of damage.)

    There was a whole rethink of the use/benefits and disabling/not installing them further, but I can’t remember the outcome.

    Like I said, I spend a lot of time driving, so forgive me for not pulling sources in the middle of my work day. Gotta drive to the next patient’s house lol.

  • Something I haven’t seen other commenters bring up that can have a huge impact, is the overall lifestyles people are living.

    The unhealthiest years of my life were when I was working 2 jobs and struggling to keep a roof over mine and my 3 kids heads. Stress and depression were huge problems and money was tight, so sometimes the little bit of dopamine or serotonin from eating a “treat” were the highlights of the day. Add to that, the guilt of not being around to cook regular meals for my kids lead to 1) making large amounts of food on my one day off that could be eaten as leftovers throughout the week or 2) easy convenience foods (frozen pizzas, boxed Mac and cheese, etc) that the kids could make when I wasn’t around.

    Fast forward many years - my kids are adults taking care of themselves and I’m down to 1 good job that offers financial stability. My diet and health have completely changed. I actually have the time and energy to cook and plan better.

    I’m not saying this to shift blame or responsibility, but to bring a different experience. When I hear (hopefully well meaning) people suggest “just cook healthier meals” it strikes me about the same as “stop eating avocado toast and you could afford a house.”