• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Just wanted to remind folks looking at the job changes that potency numbers you see may not always mean the same thing from job to job.

    Potency is meant to give you a sense of how powerful certain abilities in a kit are compared to another, but potencies across jobs are not always equal. A Paladin potency may not be the same as a Samurai potency may not be the same as a Sage potency, etc.

  • To me, the most unrealistic part of that ad is not the edge to edge displays, or the holograms emanating from them, or the overall inefficiency of it all, but rather just that you could never have a place that full of screens without ads being everywhere.

    I remember first watching that video on my first smartphone and thinking “When will they ever make a phone without bezels?” And now they pretty much have, but my experience was not some artistic interface full of aesthetically pleasing data and art. It was a YouTube video completely surrounded by ad content.

  • You wouldn’t believe how much more Americans already pay in taxes for healthcare than other countries and then having to pay insurance on top of that.

    Insurance has allowed the healthcare industry to balloon costs beyond any reasonable limit. Allowing the government to dictate prices instead can only help drive cost of medical care down and make the situation much more affordable for all, even factoring in what we pay now in both taxes and insurance.

  • This is the mentality I’ve taken as well. It is rare that prices of goods fluctuate so significantly that I am taking a huge loss by rebuying. I only stock up on a few things like monster materials that are a pain to farm on demand and (for that reason) tend to be pricier on the market boards, but Botany and Mining, I either buy back from the markets or put on a good show on my other monitor and farm in bulk when I need a lot.

  • If anyone is planning to maximize EXP gains on day 1 for new jobs or whatever job you are taking through the MSQ, there’s prep you can do this week and on Tuesday to start with a good leg up.

    1. Pick up Wondrous Tails this week and do all 9 objectives, but don’t turn it in.
    2. On Tuesday, pick up Pixie and Arkasodara tribal quests on a current job you want EXP for. Do them but don’t turn in.
    3. On Friday (early access day), log in early in the morning before reset.
    4. Pick up one or both new jobs if you want to level them.
    5. Turn in the Arkasodara/Pixie quests for EXP on a current job and pick up another set on new or current job you want to level. Complete and turn in again for more exp.
    6. Turn in your complete Wondrous Tails on new or current job for EXP, grab another one, and turn in again.
    7. After daily reset, pick up yet another set of Pixie/Arkasodara quests and complete to triple dip on tribal dailies.

    In sum, on one day, you get EXP for:

    • 2 Wondrous Tails

    • 9 Pixie Quests (3 must be for a current job)

    • 9 Arkasodara Quests (3 must be for a current job)

    That should get you about 2 levels with relatively low effort, and then you still have your roulettes and weekly challenges available for more EXP. Though if you want to do roulettes, pick something role-agnostic like Frontlines or make sure you have a healer/tank friend to group with, because those DPS queues are going to be LONG.

    Other than that, my FC has over 2 weeks of Rank 3 EXP buffs available, and the job quests themselves should help get some good starting EXP as well.

    And remember that Azeyma’s earring gives you bonus EXP up to and including level 90, so feel free to swap out your level 90 earring for a level to get bonus EXP until 91.