
  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • This is good intel actually. I used HoloISO for a long time on my gaming rig but I never thought to mess around with those settings because I’ve always just thought of Linux battery use as ass (have run various distros on tons of different laptops as well). Would be good to take the deck deeper hibernation settings for a spin, but it would be kinda a shame if the deck devs haven’t already explored these things in ways I’ll never understand as a lay user, frankly. You’d think they’d be tweaking this stuff mercilessly for the UX and battery life.

  • Between this community and the actual Onion I get pretty much the gist of current events, yeah. If some topic or other piques my interest from here, I’ll chase it down. The Onion and its opposite tend to give me enough of the context I need to figure out what’s important enough to pursue vs the vast majority of quasi-satire hitting “normal” news cycles over a given week.

    It’s like a hyper-curated way to get my news, as if handpicked for me by a space clown. And I like it that way.

  • Shopify laid off a couple thousand people, then “chaos monkey’d” the entire company just over a year ago, and forced everyone to open an FB Workplace acct as though it was going to boost productivity somehow having us split our comms between slack (which already sucks) that we’ve been using for years and some half assed afterthought Zuck’s team came up with (at least the public facing piece) leading into their own layoff waves.

    I left Shopify happily and voluntarily and I’m not gonna pour one out for FB Workplace, at all. Good riddance to bad garbage.

  • It’s kinda janky but I’ve been running HoloISO on my gaming rig for over a year and it was mostly pain free. To be clear I don’t use that system for much more than gaming but recreational browsing and music/movies etc as well. It’s fine.

    Recent decisions by the maintainer to make that distro immutable have confused me and I’m thinking about switching to Endeavor. I was historically a Debian user. This was my first experience with Arch (btw) so I’d kinda like to get to know it a bit before we introduce thicker weeds and deeper rabbit holes thanks very much bye.

  • You might like Commento which is FOSS. You can self-host it (or fire it onto a free or low cost cloud host), and fun. It’s more like a Lemmy/reddit format (comment up/down votes can be enabled) than masto but maybe you’ll enjoy it.

    Users can comment anonymously or you can enable basic verification steps. Decent moderation for if spam bots find you. Etc.

    ETA I used to host my instance on Heroku’s free tier and it was more than enough for what little traffic was coming to my site.

  • TerkErJerbs@lemm.ee
    toPrivacy@lemmy.mlVPN on Router Issue
    7 months ago

    Those IPs eventually end up on block lists as users do dumb things with them. You could definitely benefit from auto cycling through them but it’s still going to be luck of the draw, ultimately. Normally you’ll get a different IP each time you connect, even to the same location/server so if your VPN client has a CLI component, even a basic one, you could write a simple script to tell it to ‘disconnect’ and then ‘connect’ periodically, for instance.

    Depending on which VPN client you’re using on the router, that would be the simplest approach to explore imo.

    ETA you could also explore getting a residential IP from your VPN provider if they offer that. It’s a little more expensive but they don’t end up on block lists as much. Less hassle.