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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • Yes, of course. But afaik the idea of flatpak is, that every program has a list of libraries and versions of them that it wants. So when program X was built with libfoo version 1 and program Y needs libfoo version 2, you basically download the library twice.

    When you go through the package manager, you just download the current version that’s in the repository. This can lead to problems when a program expects some functionality that has since been deprecated, but I never actually had issues with that.

    Also, a lot of the libraries a flatpak downloads are already installed on the system, just in a different version, I noticed.

    I’m on a home computer that I use by myself, mind you. So if something breaks, it’s just my own problem. If I were to use software in production or even just administer the computer of a tech-unsavy relative, I’d likely use flatpaks or similar for stability and security reasons.

  • twoshoes@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlIs there a downside to Flatpak?
    5 months ago

    I’ve used flatpak for a while because it’s the default ob Fedoras GUI Software Center, but I’ve recently switched back to dnf and native packages where I can.

    The thing is, that I have a shitty 500GB SSD with a shitty 50Mbit Internet connection (which is closer to 30Mbit because my house still has lead cables instead of copper). So downloading 300+ MB of libraries for a 2MB Program is just not feasible for me.

  • The problem is, that the law is not absolute. Neither in it’s writing nor it’s application.

    Large companies regularly break the law (especially data protection) and face very little consequences. Either because they can afford a staff of lawyers to find and build loopholes, or through schmoozing with the right desicion makers. Paying a fine of 20 million is not much when you made 20 billion (20 thousand million) in profit.

    Even more so, very large companies (think Facebook or Google) hold enough political power to influence or even change laws.

  • It’s also enabled by default.

    Edit: Apparently it’s not enabled by default. I tried brave some time ago and remembered that it was enabled, which promoted me to uninstall it immediately. Maybe it was enabled by default then, maybe I misremembered.

    Having a VPN basically just means sending your traffic (albeit encrypted) to someone else’s server, before sending it to the wider internet.

    That means if you don’t specifically disable it, everything you do in the brave browser could theoretically be logged, processed and analyzed by the owners of brave.

    Even if the traffic itself is still encrypted, like with online banking, just knowing how many people in a certain city use which bank for example, could be very interesting to advertisers.

    Depending on how evil they are, they could also log extensive amounts of user data, just waiting for the day it becomes legal to sift through it (just like a lot of governments do).

    Or maybe they just log and sell your data even though it’s illegal. Like a lot of companies do all the time (see Cambridge Analytical scandal etc.).

    Or maybe they don’t. But if I was a browser company I’d sure enjoy having all my users route all their traffic through servers I control.

  • Ich habe mich letztes Ostern mit einer entfernten Verwandten über diese Themen angelegt. Zum Glück kann ich sie meiden, aber trotzdem steigt jedes Mal wieder eine unglaubliche Wut in mir hoch, wenn ich nur an die Situation denke. Weihnachten sehen wir uns wahrscheinlich wieder. Mal gucken ob sie respektiert, dass ich über solche Themen nicht sprechen möchte.

    Fand den Peter Dingsbums an Anfang auch gut: “Die Ausländer bekommen 4.000€ pro Monat!” (Das sind übrigens bloß 444€ pro Person) “Meine Angestellten bekommen nicht so viel!” Ja aber warte Mal. Wer bestimmt denn, wie viel die Angestellten bekommen? denk denk Da müssen wohl die Ausländers dran Schuld sein…

  • Ist ja auch logisch: Dann kann man immer sagen “Denk doch an die gute Sache” und braucht nicht mehr Gehalt auszuzahlen.

    Auch dass man nicht krank sein kann, weil sonst Kolleg:innen bzw Patient:innen etc. drunter leiden ist - meines Erachtens - so gewollt. Dass das Kollegium gegeneinander ausgespielt wird, ist ja in den Berufen die man mit Applaus bezahlt Gang und Gäbe, aber hier hat man eben auch noch ‘Unschuldige’, hinter denen man sich verstecken kann.

    Wie man Aufgaben die sehr wichtig aber gleichzeitig sehr unprofitabel sind überhaupt privaten Unternehmen überlassen kann, ist mir schleierhaft.