Any weird/controversial opinions? I’ll start. Before the remake, the best version of Resident Evil 4 was the Wii version. The Wiimote controls old Resi’s tank controls better than any other controller at the time. The PC version had a bunch of little bugs and detractors that the Wii version just doesn’t have.

I’ll extend this by saying that the Wiimote is actually pretty damn good for shooters, and particularly good for accessibility. Not having to cramp up my hands to press buttons is awesome for having arthritis. Aiming with the Wiimote and moving with the nunchuck just feel really natural, you barely have to move your fingers for anything.

    1 year ago

    It’s not a super-hot take, but art style >>>>> graphics when it comes to “beautiful” looking games. There are games coming out today that can run on a toaster that look far better than many AAA titles with all the fancy lighting effects and ray tracing that require you to dump 4-digit sums into a monster gaming PC to fully enjoy, all due to how the smaller games masterfully handle their art design.

      1 year ago

      I think this take got ice-cold shortly after Windwaker released.

      The issue is that game developers have been using this as a crutch to do less and still charge full-price. Even with Windwaker, I always found the art style was inappropriate for the tone the rest of the game tried to set. It really felt more like they were trying to save time and money than actually having something that serves that art. That style worked pretty well in the handheld games, but I just don’t think it holds up as well as Twilight Princess on a big screen.

      I enjoy the occasional 16-bit style indie game, but I’m not paying $60 or $70 for that. I love Supergiant games, and they all look amazing, but even they know that art style can only push the price so far. There’s also value in a game that is realistic and not stylized, especially in military shooters and racing games.

      On the opposite end of the spectrum, you have AAA games from big studios selling for full-price that have neither. Look at GameFreak’s Switch games: terrible quality textures, uninspired lighting, bad draw distance, terrible FPS, and they literally cut to a black screen describing what your character does instead of animating anything. And the art style is just the most generic anime-style imaginable. It looks like Nintendo too the Mii system and just made some minor updates and used that to make human models. This may be a hot take, but I think the models in TotK and BotW are the same. The devs create some fancy clothes, hair, and accessories, but the actual models are bland. It’s essentially the Mii system.

      Graphics and art style are not mutually exclusive. It’s fair to ask for both in a full-price game.

    1 year ago

    Paradox Interactive is eventually going to release so many DLC that they eventually collapse inward from their own gravity and implode, taking the company’s future with them.

    1 year ago

    My hot take: Skyrim is the most overrated game of all time. Not bad, but overrated. My phone hardcrashed while I typed out the reasons why I think so, so I won‘t anger the gaming gods further this time.

    1 year ago

    Real-time with pause is superior than turn-based for CRPGs, especially given how many encounters there are in the games.

    Turn based wins out the less encounters there are.

    1 year ago

    I’m currently playing through Breath of the Wild for the first time and I don’t think it’s an amazing game. I think it’s decent and fun enough, but it has a lot of grindy BS and aimless wandering, plus a story that is a rehash of literally every Zelda game every made, but now with 100% more open world.

    Seriously how many times are we going to beat Ganon? And good God the voice acting is cringe.

    Also, I just freed the second divine beast and I still have no idea how to dodge or flurry rush.

      1 year ago

      Zelda games straight up have a very mediocre story. And often nothing about their world building makes much sense either. They’re definitely a series built only for fun gameplay. Everything else is just glue to hold the gameplay together.

      Personally, I love the gameplay and exploration, but you’re definitely right about the story and voice acting.

      PS: dodging should be the same as jump (x). Lock on with ZL and point the movement stick to the side you wanna dodge to, the jump. If you pull the stick back, you’ll do a backflip. Whether you want to jump back or to the side depends on the enemy attack (eg, do they swing horizonal or vertical?). If you dodge juuuust before the enemy attacks, you’ll get a slow motion during which you’re prompted to spam y to rapidly attack. Especially useful for tough foes like lynels.

    • I got bored after like 8 hours of looking for things to do before I just said “fuck it, I guess I’m killing Ganon.” I don’t know when I am meant to go find the Master Sword but I was able to get it without having a quest and just using my knowledge of Hyrule from past games (“sword in forest!”) and I activated the 4 ancient machines; but then I couldn’t find many side quests that weren’t just fetch quests for things I already had in my posession.

      TOTK actually has shit to do. I thought BOTW was a bit bare bones before, but given it was Nintendo’s first go at it I just thought it was that. But TOTK makes BOTW look like an alpha build of a tech demo for TOTK.

    1 year ago

    I always hated complex combo systems in fighting games like Tekken and Street Fighter. Fighting games shouldn’t be about being able to input 50 super precise key combinations in the span of 1.5 seconds. It should be about positioning, timing, improvisation… Guilty gear strive and super smash bros is proof of this. Every game that gatekeeps new players for not memorizing the built-in combo that takes 60% of your opponent’s HP feels like it’s still stuck in the 90’s arcade game era. Most fighting game series refuse to move forward. There, I’ve said it.

      1 year ago

      I’ve always wanted to get into fighting games but I never really have because of this exactly. It feels like a chore to learn all the combos and the fighting feels weird and stiff to me because of them.

      1 year ago

      I think the combos in Street Fighter are already too much.

      How should I twist the stick to make the special attack for this character? Hold on, pause the game so I can look up. Oh, I filled up the ultra attack meter, let me check how to perform it for this character.

      They should just adopt the control scheme they implemented for Ryu in Smash Bros. Forward + B for Hadouken, Up + B for Shuriyuken, etc.

  • Jordan
    1 year ago

    Nintendo games are great FIRST games.

    If Zelda is the first action RPG you ever played, it will forever hold a warm spot in your heart.

    Same for Smash Brothers and fighting games, Mario Kart and racing games, or Pokemon and turn based RPGs.

    But if you aren’t 10 years old or have played literally any other games, they really aren’t very good.

      1 year ago

      Great hot take. I sort of agree for something like Pokemon. But I’m surprised you think this way for all Nintendo games. In the world of 3D platformers for example, I’d say it’s pretty hard to find something better than Mario Galaxy, or 3D World. Same goes for Mario Kart. It’s got crisp controls, and the last game in particular had great track design. I wouldn’t say Wipeout is a very apt comparison given it’s not a kart racer.

      • Jordan
        1 year ago

        No, I don’t. It’s a hot take… :)

        But since you asked… pretty much every fighting game is better than Smash. Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken. If you take power-up platform battlers as it’s own genre, then it’s also beaten by Powerstone.

        Racing games better than Mario Kart? For pure racing, Gran Turismo, Project Gotham, Metropolis Street Racer. For racing with powerups, bombs and such? Wipeout.

        Again, Nintendo games are great intros to a genre, and if it’s your first game you’ll look at all of them with warm fuzzy glasses on.

        But as an adult, who has played hundreds of RPGs? Breath of the Wild was an empty world that bored the shit out of me.

    1 year ago

    Nintendo should have flopped years ago, but so many people shovel out cash for no other reason than ‘it’s Nintendo!’. No, you don’t need every ‘version’ of the Switch or every color of joycon.

    The Switch is a disappointment. The hardware is purposely under clocked because of the did a ‘Pro’ that ran at full speed it would really shine a light that in it’s current spec, it’s barely a 720p device. The OS is embarrassingly not done.

    Nintendo hates it’s customers. Loves to sue because you emulated a game you can’t buy. Did you make a YouTube video and the games music played, that’s their video now! Here’s a crappy subscription were going to tie services to, but cloud saves… Nah. Discounts… Ha, no. (Meanwhile, Stream exists). Oh and they’ll fight tooth and nail to not have to do warranty work (joycon drift for example).

    Far less of the first party games are actually good. And any game that’s multiplatform is better on anything that’s not a Nintendo device. BotW was at best a 7/10, but the zealot fans sent death threats because it didn’t get a perfect score. And the latest entry, looks like they yet again couldn’t come up with real content so they did the classic fallback of ‘have the player make their own fun’.

    Oh and the Pokemon games are garbage. Every main line game since going 3d has been shit and a waste of money. There been no actual development, it’s the same white bread game it’s been since the 90s. Sorry, the older games were better, they had villains and rivals. Now it’s what, disgruntled emo kids and an overly attached forced friend.

      1 year ago

      If only i could upvote you several times. I agree with every point, and was already called a Nintendo Hater, and now i say it with pride. Nintendo is just extremely anti-consumer, anti art preservation, anti community (even their own fans), actively erasing gaming history, and taking advantage of ignorants and ideologically confused fanboys in shitty deals, products and services. If this company were founded today, they would be dead in less than 3 years, but they successfully milk the nostalgia from their golden years from the 80s to early 2000s. Can only say this: It is ethically good to boycot Nintendo, do piracy emulation and buy from other places.

    1 year ago

    Most popular survival games (Minecraft, Valheim, Raft, Ark) are dull, unimaginative experiences that disrespect your time. I truly don’t get the appeal, other than if you’re a terminally online kid with nothing else going on. They promise this world of near-eternal fun and imagination, and then forget to develop fun mechanics, write a compelling story to give context to what you’re doing, give you goals, teach you how to play…

    Raft is probably the worst example I can think of. What a crock of shit that game was. Zero tutorial, a terrible grind. Just lazy. You can softlock yourself in the first 30 minutes if you jump onto an island and let your raft drift away, because you can’t build a new raft, and all the game’s resources spawn around it for no good reason. The game has a Very Positive rating on Steam with over 200,000 reviews…

    There are some obvious exceptions. Terraria is still so charming, and does away with the hunger/thirst/durability trappings of other survivals. I didn’t get too far into Subnautica, but it’s clearly a fresh idea and has an ambitious story. And y’know… I can’t be too hard on Minecraft, it’s iconic.

    But the rest is just hollow and soul-crushing and in most cases unfinished. They’re punishing time-sinks disguised as a “world where you can do anything,” and the fact that so many go to bat for them really makes me grieve for people’s taste in games.

    Hot take over… Woof, I need to lie down…

      1 year ago

      Raft solo, garbage. Raft with friends, wasn’t to shabby. But there’s no replay value. Most of the fun, is the fun you and your friends create, not the game itself (which is true for so many games)

    1 year ago

    Bethesda lost their touch after Morrowind. I loved Oblivion when I played it as a kid, but looking back at it now, I can’t really say I’d ever want to play it again. Fallout 4 and 76 completely strayed from the the previous games in the franchise, only sharing similarity in the artstyle. Fallout 3’s writing and gameplay pales in comparison to New Vegas. Skyrim is just boring, writing feels uninspired, if not non-existent for large portions of the game. Morrowind is the only game that stands out from the rest, and I consider it a masterpiece, and I can see myself playing it again many times, exploring the different houses and guilds.

    1 year ago

    The sentence “I lost my gear / They took my gear” has never been followed by a fun part in any videogame, ever

    1 year ago

    Souls-like games aren’t difficult, they just show you how impatient the average player is. Very rarely do those games actually challenge your ability or technical skill, and instead they just test your patience with annoyingly-defensive enemy behavior that encourages impatient players into aggressive, risky gameplay.