“If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot,” she said, laughing. “I probably should not have said that. My staff will deal with that later.”
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“She needs to tone down her violent rhetoric.”
She was a DA. She’s probably carried since then.
Carrying and knowing how to use it are 2 different things. Without constant practice and being able to perform under pressure it’s just an idiot with a gun.
Wait how did you get that take from the person you’re responding to?
He just wants you to know he has a gun and “trains” with it, but it would seem abrupt and weird if he just blurted that out fir no reason.
One weird trick to get gun control laws Republicans don’t want you to know!
To my understanding it worked with the Black Panthers
By Republican God Reagan, no less.
This is why EVERY queer person should carry a gun, openly if it’s legal in your region
Tell that to the Veteran legally open carrying in Texas who was shot by an asshole who felt threatened. The asshole was pardoned.
For completeness, the asshole was also in the Army but that’s mostly unrelated to his racism and murder of a fellow Servicemember.
It’s like the only way to square “open carry” laws with “stand your ground” laws is to just let people shoot each other.
For once, the Democrats have figured out how to game the Republicans into gun regulations: by being vocal about firearm ownership on the left.
Last time the Republicans passed gun reform, it was during their god-emperor Reagan’s presidency, when Black Panthers had the nerve to arm themselves in public while forgetting to be white.
Harris should promote open carry for immigrant brown people. Maybe then we can finally get universal background checks, red flag laws, etc.–all popular with the public and a majority of gun owners.
I mean, anyone who hasn’t realized that she has 24/7 secret service protection and they’re going to fucking shoot anyone whose an intruder to any of their protectees homes…
are kinda dumb.
I mean, this is a pretty logical and understandable consequence of the right’s call for political violence. I was pretty surprised the Pelosi intruder was able to do so much, tbh.
Edit: But, yes, people are dumb and disingenuous and will say that they should be able to kill an intruder on their property without question and then turn around and say that Harris’ detail should not be allowed to do so.
Pelosi’s attacker got as far as he did because Pelosi’s protection was with her, and she wasn’t home, which let Paul take the brunt of the attack.
One would think they would leave at least one agent with him.
You’d think, right? Well NOW he does, I bet…
Oh yeah. It still surprised me, though.
are kinda dumb.
Basically anyone in the GOP.
And the gun control single issue voters- at least a few.
I don’t think most people realize just how un-hesitant a secret service on protection detail will be to shoot an unknown intruder.
Like. That’s not a Harris thing. That’s just their job. Which is why the guy that saw a rifle more or less just started blasting. (Maybe not “just”… I assume they assessed range and stuff. A pistol at 200 yards is almost useless even if you do hit what you’re aiming at.)
There is this video where a guy shoots a target with a pistol from 200 yards, freehand, somehow(I timestamed it). It shows that 9mm carries a pretty good amount of penetration power at that range still, surprisingly.
The keltec is not a pistol, it’s a rifle. I’m guessing he has a ten inch barrel? Which gives a lot more velocity for a given cartridge, unless you’re fairly under pressure to start with.
He doesn’t show what a 9mm pistol can do at 200 yards of to balistics gel. Neither does he show the slugs hitting the target.
Which, you can make pistols do a bit better- one simple way is to go to +p cartridges or going to heavier rounds.
Do they carry enough energy to hurt? Sure.
Are they effective? No.
Also not shown is how many takes he took to make this video (and I’m guessing he took way more shots to get those hits than we see. Even if he is a perfect shooter, windage is variable, no one is a perfect shooter.)
In the timestamp he is shooting a cz75 at 200 yards. It still penetrates a pretty thick slab of wood. I still wouldn’t want to be at the end of it. Plus, there are some rare freaks who can put some rounds on target at that range is all I was trying to add, really.
Wasn’t trying to completely invalidate what you were saying by any means, just saying it isn’t so cut and dry is all. In most cases, what you said is true for sure.
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kinda dumb.
You really think the cult isn’t that dumb? Any bets that one of them will try it? Of course MAGA would claim it was her fault in any circumstance.
Reminds me of that West Wing episode where he “accidentally” makes an offensive gun analogy comment; Harris doesn’t really alienate any supporters here, and she appeals to the undecided gun crowd voters. As a bonus, she’s “telling it like it is” for folks who are self-described as being “fed up with PC culture.”
The West Wing looks so fucking anachronistic now
It was then, too.
The Republicans as portrayed in The West Wing were far more sane than even the GOP at the time. Remember, the show first aired shortly after the GOP impeached Clinton for a blowjob because they couldn’t find any evidence of impropriety in the Whitewater deal.
Yeah but Republicans weren’t all properly cartoonishly evil at that point, we had senators like McCain and others, and if you started to talk about how the nazis were actually just misunderstood they’d kick your ass out of the party.
I can’t even make myself rewatch it because the “scandals” that are at the core of most episodes are so mundane and plebian it just descends into a farce.
Hell, even the many scenes when they treat the Whitehouse as a kind of civic holy ground just don’t work now. I just can’t buy it after 4 years of that lunatic sitting behind the resolute desk.
Time has changed the show from “an idealized depiction of a Democratic White House” to “an idealized depiction of a functioning government not hampered by an irrational party comprised of insane ideologues and traitors.”
yeah, Veep is the show to watch if you want to get a feel for what happens in government.
He wasn’t impeached for a blowjob. He was impeached for perjuring himself while the defendant in a sexual harassment inquiry. The blowjob is just the thing he lied about.
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Compared to how DC runs these days, West Wing is up there with Harry Potter on the Fantasy scale.
Your bonus point is depressingly significant. The number of people I’ve heard say something like, “I don’t like x, y, z about Trump, but I like that he speaks his mind and tells it like it is in his opinion” drives me crazy. When did it become admirable to be an unfiltered boor?
The unfiltered boors of the world like to feel valid and important.
Its a false expectation. They think thats what smart successful people do. The big problem with trusting your impulses immediately, is you will only consider your own perspective. Its very hard to change your own perspective unless thats what you are already trying to do.
Agreed. I thought it was one of the best things out of her mouth at the event (which was surprisingly well done, worth a watch). I think people want to see more honest, unprepared remarks from her (she’s been really staying on message). But I doubt there will be many more events like this with hosts like Oprah, who is quite skilled at producing these moments.
I mean it’s true, if you bust into the VP’s house I’d expect nothing less
Me, while im bleeding out on the ground: " I really just wanted to see the P90 in action. Its so cool. Worth it."
I mean she’s the fucking sitting VP, I can guarantee the Secret Service is going to end anyone well before she’s even disturbed.
When I think about it
Instead of a debate let’s go to a range and do a little target shooting.
Watching Trump fumble around, hit nothing, getting smoked by a woman.
Sounds like a lot of fucking fun to watch.
Oh wait we already saw that lolololol.
As a convicted felon, Trump can’t have a gun. ;)
He can’t even have bullets on his person
So for that like .1ms where he was being “hit” by that bullet were technically him breaking the law
Finally! He broke the law! We got him!
oh shit, what’s he gonna do for his vote casting photoshoot in Florida
Upside down bible
Oh sheesh I totally forgot. Hilarious.
And yet they’re still trying to give it to him
I guess it would be entrapment, but it would be funny as hell if Harris goaded him into a target shooting competition, handed him a gun, and then immediately had him arrested. 🤣
“Felon in possession!”
“I bet your tiny hands couldn’t even hold an ar15”
No fucking way any sane person would wanna be at a gun range with him tho
Seems like the gun ranges are coming to him. Everywhere he goes seems to become one.
I’d bet money that DonOld has never actually loaded a gun. If he’s ever actually shot one it was probably handed to him with the safety off and a lot of prayer.
…Then pit both of them against someone that goes to a monthly IDPA or USPSA match.
(My point is, if you want to be able to use a gun when you’re under a lot of pressure to perform well, you gotta practice under pressure too.)
These idiots filmed themselves trying to overthrow the government. They’ll taking this as a dare/challenge
And one did it while still wearing his work Id badge on a lanyard.
And then you get shot when it turns out to be the police raiding your home unannounced because they got the address wrong again.
I like this for some reason. Maybe even more if she slipped and said “fuckin’ shot” maybe because it’s Oprah.
Weird that the whole “I probably shouldn’t say that” is a very Trump like thing to say, but those types of comments have a lot of power with people so more power to her.